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Presentation: MBA Summer Fellowships in Sustainability and Human Rights


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The Sustainability and Human Rights MBA Summer Fellowship program pairs full-time, first-year Stern MBA students with companies determined to meet their ambitious social, environmental, and financial goals. Launched in 2017, the MBA Summer Fellowship program is coordinated by the NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights (CBHR) and the NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business (CSB).

Partner companies for Summer 2021 include Bread Alone Bakery, Calvert, IFC, Nespresso, Qintess, Williams-Sonoma, and more to be announced.

At the Info Session on November 17, 2020, Fellowship coordinators from CBHR and CSB will provide information on the program structure, placement opportunities, application and interview timelines, and more.

About the Fellowship: The MBA Summer Fellowship is designed to provide students with direct experience with sustainability and/or human rights issues in any relevant division within the company, including supply chain, community engagement, marketing, and finance. In past years, fellows have worked at companies including Calvert, IFC, National Grid, Nespresso, and Williams-Sonoma. Students have created metrics to measure the impact of sustainability initiatives, led human rights-focused brainstorming sessions with senior management, enhanced supplier compliance through analysis and reporting, and evaluated industry trends.

For more information on past projects, visit our website.

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