Students on the stairs of Tisch
NYU Stern Alumni

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No matter where alumni live, NYU Stern helps them stay connected. Update your contact info and subscribe to School news and events.

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Stern Network is an online networking and engagement platform that makes it easy for students and alumni to connect.

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The Stern Alumni Community

Alumni Groups

Stern alumni have the opportunity to join alumni and affinity groups that offer programs and events that foster community, networking, and lifelong learning.

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Alumni Regional Groups

Regional groups connect the Stern community outside NYC through student-alumni events and meet-ups.

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Resources for Recent Graduates (Stern 10)

All Stern alumni who graduated within the last decade are part of the Stern 10 community and have access to events designed specifically for them.

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Corporate Ambassadors Program

Alumni corporate ambassadors build community within their company and facilitate a connection to the School.

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Executive-in-Residence Program

The Executive-in-Residence program connects alumni business leaders with current students for meaningful engagement opportunities.

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Alumni-in-Residence Program

The Alumni-in-Residence program connects current students with recent alumni across a range of industries.

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Alumni Tech Committee

The Alumni Tech Committee ensures students are well-prepared for roles within top-tier tech companies.

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Alumni Council

One of the School’s governing bodies, the Alumni Council is comprised of top volunteers and ambassadors who guide alumni programming.

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Contact Us

Feel free to contact NYU Stern if you need assistance.

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Your Global Network



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