Alumni Resources
Learn more about accessing resources including Stern email, transcripts, and discounts.
Maintain Your Stern Email Account
All Stern graduates can maintain access to their free Stern Alumni Google Email accounts. Log in through Stern Life to access your email account.
Choose Which Emails to Receive
Alumni receive emails about thought leadership and social events, School updates, newsletters, and more. Manage your email preferences and choose your interest areas.
Request Transcripts
Undergraduate and graduate alumni can request transcripts through the NYU Registrar’s Office.
Obtain Diplomas
Alumni can obtain a copy of their diploma through the Office of the University Registrar's diploma page.
Access Wi-Fi
Wi-Fi is available to all NYU alumni at NYU’s three campuses and 11 global sites. If you already have an NYU account, just look for the NYU network and enter your NetID and password. If you haven’t created an NYU account, visit start.nyu.edu to activate your NetID and create a password.
Find NYU Discounts
Take advantage of NYU alumni discounts on entertainment, transportation, and more.