Donor Spotlight
I learned so much – about life in NYC and about the diversity of my classmates. Stern contributed to a foundation that has served me well in the years since graduating.”
– Antonio C. Alvarez, II (MBA '76), Co-Founder and Co-Chief Executive Officer at Alvarez & Marsal, LLC
Alvarez believes that giving scholarships to deserving students who do not have financial means is one of the most potent ways to make a difference in someone's life. Alvarez came to Stern shortly after immigrating to the United States and credits his degree for teaching him more than just finance. He established the Stern Excellence Scholarship and most recently established and endowed the Alvarez Family Scholarship. He is a member of the Stern Executive Board.
As the parents of two Stern alumni, we are proud to support educational excellence through the funding of scholarships for exceptional students in need who are intent on high achievement.”
– Mahyar & Fran Amirsaleh (Parents '04, '06), H. Amirsaleh Foundation
Mahyar and Fran Amirsaleh established the Amirsaleh Family Scholarship.
As an individual who came to Stern with a background as a lawyer, my Stern education expanded my thinking and my world, allowing me to do business across geographic boundaries and industry lines. The quality of the education I received at Stern was crucial to my own professional development and success. I hope to ensure the continued excellence of Stern's research and faculty, so that future generations may benefit from the same opportunity."
– Yuki Arai (MBA '10), Managing Partner at Wealth Management Attorneys at Law
Arai established the Yuki Arai Faculty Award in Finance; an annual prize recognizing outstanding faculty research in finance and investments.
– Marc Cooper (BS '83, MBA '87), Vice Chairman, Peter J. Solomon CompanyIt gives me great pleasure to be able to alleviate some of the financial burden of such intelligent, hardworking, and deserving students. They have bright futures ahead of them and my hope is that one day, as business leaders, they will have the power to effect positive change in their communities.”
Cooper is a Susan Greenbaum Senior Scholarship donor.
– David Handler (BS '87, MBA '90), Partner, Centerview PartnersSusan Greenbaum helped shape and guide me as a student when I was at Stern. As a scholarship recipient, I knew that I would find a way to give back so others could have the same opportunity I did. It was an easy and natural decision to for me to endow the Dean Susan Greenbaum scholarship, both as an acknowledgement to Dean Greenbaum for the impact she had on my life and to Stern for such a unique and powerful experience.”
Handler endowed a scholarship in the name of Susan Greenbaum, Associate Dean of the Undergraduate College.
– American Express FoundationNo one understood better than Ed Gilligan, BS '82, just how far hard work and determination can take you – but that sometimes you also need a hand in opening the door to opportunity. To honor Ed, American Express has established a permanently endowed scholarship. Ed was fiercely proud of his roots and being the first in his family to attend college. While an NYU undergrad, Ed cut his teeth at American Express as a temporary employee, rising through the company’s ranks over 35 years to Vice Chairman in 2007 and President in 2013. Ed was a passionate advocate for education and mentorship, and believed in the importance of giving back to his alma mater and community. AMEX will proudly be carrying on this tradition through the scholarship."
American Express established the American Express Edward P. Gilligan Scholarship. in honor of Ed Gilligan (BS '82).
– Ignacio G. Pakciarz (MBA '96), Founding Partner and CEO, Bigsur PartnersStern was integral to starting my career in New York, and it's a privilege to now serve the institution which has given me so much. This University has always been at the cutting edge, and I wanted to make a donation and join the Board to help the school successfully navigate the future by expanding its breadth of programs and bolster its reach to students.”
Pakciarz established the Ignacio G. Pakciarz MBA Scholarship. He is a member of the Stern Executive Board.
– John Paulson (BS '78), Paulson & Co. Inc.In meeting the most recent Paulson Scholarship recipients, I was once again reminded of the talented and ambitious students that Stern attracts each year. As an alumnus with the means to do so, I am dedicated to giving back as a way to perpetuate excellence in our School and its future alumni.”
Paulson invested $20 million in NYU Stern to fund faculty research, scholarships, and a large part of the campus renovation. He is a member of the Stern Executive Board.
– Tyler Peters (BS '05), Vice President, Nomura Securities InternationalI am honored to support the Henry E. Niles Scholarship, which I received as a Student at Stern. This scholarship made my education possible, and I am happy to be able to help current students in the same way.”
Tyler is a Henry E. Niles Scholarship donor.
– Franck Ruimy (MBA '02), CEO, Aerium Finance LTDI'm really proud to participate in a program that provides scholarships to young, talented men and women from foreign backgrounds and educates them to become the next global business leaders.”
Franck established the Franck A. Ruimy Scholarship Fund. He is a member of the Stern Executive Board.
– Craig (MBA ’98) and Stacey ShapiroNYU Stern allowed me to change the trajectory of my career and gave me the chance to realize my potential in the business world. When I look back at both personal and professional accomplishments, I do not think any of it would have been possible without the chance that Stern gave me. I wanted to give back to create the same opportunity for others. When people have a great education, anything is possible."
Craig and Stacey have established the Stacey and Craig Shapiro Permanent MBA Scholarship in support of Graduate Students at NYU Stern.
– Richard Tsai (MBA '81), Vice Chairman, Fubon Financial Holding Co.I'm pleased to support the School and its administration, whose priority focus on scholarship and global leadership will help Stern reach new heights. It is exciting to know that my contribution will fuel the passions of Stern students who are committed to building dynamic organizations in Asia.”
Tsai established the Tsai Scholarship Fund and most recently, established the Fubon Center for Technology, Business and Innovation.
– Peggy Yu (MBA '02), Co-Founder and Executive Chairwoman, dangdang.comIn the early 90s, Stern generously provided me with a teaching fellowship and scholarship so that I could afford an MBA education. I am forever grateful for the education I got from Stern and the financial aid that made it possible. 2012 marked 20 years since my graduation from Stern, and my celebration from Beijing, China, was to fund the Yu Yu Scholarship. I hope my gift to the School changed the lives of a few students the way I was changed.”
Yu endowed the Yu Yu Scholarship Fund.