Is Sustainability Sustainable in the Age of Trump?
Tensie Whelan and Michael Greenhouse

"Let’s face it. This is now a legitimate question. GreenBiz Chairman Joel Makower spoke to the issue very directly in a February 2017 tweet:
“Let’s face it folks, Donald Trump is sustainability’s stress test. We weren’t prepared for this. It is the classic ‘black swan,’ low-probability, high-impact, ‘we didn’t see it coming’ event.”"
Read Tensie's article on the EcoInnovator Blog here.
“Let’s face it folks, Donald Trump is sustainability’s stress test. We weren’t prepared for this. It is the classic ‘black swan,’ low-probability, high-impact, ‘we didn’t see it coming’ event.”"
Read Tensie's article on the EcoInnovator Blog here.
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tensie whelan