Board Agenda: Top US boards' ESG credentials improve

Board Agenda featured a story on CSB's research on the ESG-related credentials of Fortune 100 boards from 2018 to 2023, finding governance and environmental expertise has doubled, among other key findings.
"Despite the polarising effect of ESG in US politics, corporate leaders have continued to improve their knowledge and skillsets in what has become a highly controversial area.
Research from New York Stern School’s Centre for Sustainability reveals 43% of board members in the Fortune 100—around 1,100 directors—have one or more ESG 'credentials', compared with just 29% five years earlier (2018).
The number of directors with a “governance” credential or background almost tripled, while those with an “environment” qualification doubled. There was close to no change in the number of board directors with skills in the “social” category of ESG.
The number of ESG board committees rose from 22 to 89."
Read the full article here, and the full research report here.