CSB Director Tensie Whelan FT Moral Money Feature: COVID-19 Drives New Recognition of Risk

At the Financial Times Moral Money conference on September 30, CSB Director Tensie Whelan and other thought leaders shared perspectives on how the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) agenda has become increasingly core for business, a process accelerated by the pandemic.
Excerpt: "The recent elevation of #stakeholdercapitalism has been driven by a new recognition of risk," says Whelan, driven by companies' exposure to new social challenges resulting from COVID19, and prompting them to rebuild more resilient and equitable business models."
To read the full recap, click here.
Excerpt: "The recent elevation of #stakeholdercapitalism has been driven by a new recognition of risk," says Whelan, driven by companies' exposure to new social challenges resulting from COVID19, and prompting them to rebuild more resilient and equitable business models."
To read the full recap, click here.
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center for sustainable business