CSB Research Spotlight: ROSI for Agrifood Supply Networks

CSB Research Associate Professor, Tracy Van Holt, and Research Fellow, Ulrich Atz, published in the Journal of International Business Policy their Return on Sustainability Investment (ROSI) research on the financial benefits of reimagined, sustainable agrifood supply networks.
They observed that multinational enterprises in global agrifood networks struggle to integrate UN’s Sustainable Development Goals into their supply chains due to key intermediaries in the supply network not seeing sustainability strategies as economically feasible. In response, they applied the ROSI methodology to achieve a more strategic supply-chain approach for food commodities.
They modeled the coconut supply network in the Philippines, and compared their findings to the Brazilian beef agrifood system to develop categories of benefits that establish a more stable sustainable supply chain that can better address complex social–environmental dynamics and foster strategic partnerships.
Benefits outlined include:
They observed that multinational enterprises in global agrifood networks struggle to integrate UN’s Sustainable Development Goals into their supply chains due to key intermediaries in the supply network not seeing sustainability strategies as economically feasible. In response, they applied the ROSI methodology to achieve a more strategic supply-chain approach for food commodities.
They modeled the coconut supply network in the Philippines, and compared their findings to the Brazilian beef agrifood system to develop categories of benefits that establish a more stable sustainable supply chain that can better address complex social–environmental dynamics and foster strategic partnerships.
Benefits outlined include:
- A stable and sustainable supply chain
- Long-term contracts
- Sustainable products
- Brand value and innovation
- Reduction of corporate risk
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center for sustainable business