CSB and Mother Cabrini Health Foundation partnership featured in Inside Philanthropy

Inside Philathropy featured Invest NYC SDG's $2 million grant from the Mother Cabrini Health Foundation in a piece titled A New York Health Funder Looks to Small and Urban Farms as a Solution to Hunger. Expanding upon CSB's work in New York City, the grant supports a partnership with Cornell's FIG Lab and NYU Tandon School of Engineering to map barriers to successful farming outcomes and creating long term solutions to food insecurty across New York State.
Read the full article on Inside Philanthropy here.
“[MCHF] has a longer-term vision, and they’re looking for evidence of what can work,” said Wythe Marschall, senior research project manager. “We want to be able to provide that evidence and to work with them to come up with novel strategies, to get them going, and to show, ‘Here’s where your support can have a big impact.’ We’re a very small team, but we’re coming up with a lot of ideas, moving on them quickly, and not wasting anyone’s time or money.”
Read the full article on Inside Philanthropy here.