Speed Networking with Alumni in Sustainability (Open to NYU undergraduates)
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Hosted by Net Impact, NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business, and the Stern Professional Development & Career Education (PDCE) team, this event will offer undergraduate students across NYU with the opportunity to learn from and engage directly with NYU and Stern undergraduate alumni in sustainability and social impact careers who have graduated in the last 10 years.
Hosted on Zoom, the event will entail brief introductions by all alumni in attendance and then short breakout sessions in which students can ask alumni questions about their work, career, and educational experience.
Topics and Industries represented will include: Brand Management, Circular Economy, Energy, Food and Beverage, Finance and Investing, Infrastructure, Nonprofit Management, Personal Care and Beauty, Supply Chain, and Technology
Organizations represented will include: Bank of America, Calvert Research and Management, Critical Mention, The Good Food Institute, Google, Lever for Change, Macquarie Group, Naked Frankie, Rheaply, and The Rise Fund by TPG
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Hosted by Net Impact, NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business, and the Stern Professional Development & Career Education (PDCE) team, this event will offer undergraduate students across NYU with the opportunity to learn from and engage directly with NYU and Stern undergraduate alumni in sustainability and social impact careers who have graduated in the last 10 years.
Hosted on Zoom, the event will entail brief introductions by all alumni in attendance and then short breakout sessions in which students can ask alumni questions about their work, career, and educational experience.
Topics and Industries represented will include: Brand Management, Circular Economy, Energy, Food and Beverage, Finance and Investing, Infrastructure, Nonprofit Management, Personal Care and Beauty, Supply Chain, and Technology
Organizations represented will include: Bank of America, Calvert Research and Management, Critical Mention, The Good Food Institute, Google, Lever for Change, Macquarie Group, Naked Frankie, Rheaply, and The Rise Fund by TPG
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