2024 Sustainable Business Pitch Competition Infosession

The annual NYU Stern Sustainable Business Pitch Competition focuses on developing practical business proposals that create positive environmental and social impact in tandem with competitive financial and economic value. Three finalist teams will be awarded a $15,000 total prize purse thanks to generous sponsorship from Eddie Stern and Empire State Realty Trust.
The Spring 2024 Sustainable Business Pitch Competition will task teams with leveraging CSB’s Return on Sustainability Investment (ROSI) methodology to build a model to help real estate leaders track and understand the financial benefits (tangible and intangible) of decarbonization strategies.
We will be hosting an information session on the 2024 challenge on February 13 at 12:30 pm, in person and on Zoom. Please register here and we will email you the room locations and zoom link, and keep you on future communications on the competition.
Teams must consist of between 2 and 4 NYU graduate students. At least 50% of the team must be enrolled in the Stern MBA program. For example, teams of two must consist of at least 1 Stern MBA student, and teams of 3 or 4 must consist of at least 2 Stern MBA students. Teams may include any combination of part-time, full-time, and dual degree graduate-level students.
Please reach out to sustainablebusiness@stern.nyu.