EmpowHER: Curriculum Guide
We have outlined the following curriculum requirements and recommendations to ensure that EmpowHER students graduate with a clear understanding of the skills and topics needed for a successful career in sustainable finance.
Comprehensive guidance on sustainable finance offerings at Stern and EmpowHER requirements
As part of the EmpowHER program, students must complete a total of 18 credits of course work and experiential learning in sustainable finance. Mandatory components of the EmpowHER curriculum included two foundational courses and one experiential learning course, which will provide students with a basic understanding of sustainable business and finance, and how the two topics converge. We then have recommended a list of courses that focus on sustainable finance. Please note that EmpowHER does not require students to complete the Sustainable Business & Innovation or Finance specializations, but they are highly recommended.
Jump to: Foundational Courses | Experiential Learning Courses | Sustainable Finance Courses | Sample Schedules | Other Finance and Sustainable Business & Innovation Courses
Mandatory Foundational Courses | 6 credits:
- BSPA-GB.2305: Sustainability for Competitive Advantage | 3 credits
- COR1-GB.2115 or COR1-GB.2311: Foundations of Finance (unless waived) | 3 credits
Mandatory Experiential Learning | 3 credits (Choose 1):
- Stern Signature Project (SSP) focusing on sustainable finance | 3 credits
- FINC-GB 3320: Michael Price ESG Fund | 3 credits
- INTA-GB 3371: NYU Impact Investment Fund (NIIF) | 3 credits
Recommended Sustainable Finance Courses | 9 credits:
- FINC-GB 2360: Sustainable Finance: Innovation and Trends in Capital Markets | 3 credits | Spring
- FINC-GB 2375: Managing Climate, Cyber, Geopolitical, and Financial Risk | 3 credits | Fall & Spring
- FINC-GB.2347: Climate Finance: An Economic and Financial Approach to Climate Change | 3 credits | Fall
- FINC-GB.3147: A Financial Approach to Climate Change | 1.5 credits | Fall
- FINC-GB.3348: Investing for Environmental and Social Impact | 3 credits | Spring
- FINC-GB.3355: Impact Investing in Family Offices | 3 credits
- PADM-GP 2311: Social Impact Investment | 3 credits | Fall & Spring
- PADM-GP 4313: The Intersection of Finance and Social Justice | 3 credits | Fall & Spring
- PADM-GP 4314: Environmental Finance and Social Impact | 3 credits
- PADM-GP 2312: Managing Financial and Social Returns of the Social Enterprise | 3 credits
Sample Schedules
Please note that these schedules are just a sample of how you may take Stern's sustainable finance offerings. You may take these courses in any order that you choose, as long as you follow Stern-assigned prerequisites.
Year 1: Fall Semester | Year 1: Spring Semester | ||
Course Name | Course Type | Course Name | Course Type |
Foundations of Finance* | Stern Core / Foundational Course | Sustainability for Competitive Advantage* | Foundational Course |
Accounting | MBA Program Requirement | Sustainable Finance: Innovation & Trends in Capital Markets | Sustainable Finance |
Statistics & Data Analytics | MBA Program Requirement | Menu Core Class | Stern Core |
Menu Core Class | Stern Core | Menu Core Class | Stern Core |
Menu Core Class | Stern Core | Non-EmpowHER Elective | Elective |
Year 2: Fall Semester | Year 2: Spring Semester | ||
Course Name | Course Type | Course Name | Course Type |
Finance-Focused Stern Signature Project * | Experiential Learning | Sustainable Finance: Innovation & Trends in Capital Markets | Sustainable Finance |
Managing Climate, Cyber, Geopolitcal, and Financial Risk | Sustainable Finance | Social Impact Investing | Sustainable Finance |
Non-EmpowHER Elective | Elective | Non-EmpowHER Elective | Elective |
Non-EmpowHER Elective | Elective | Non-EmpowHER Elective | Elective |
Non-EmpowHER Elective | Elective | Non-EmpowHER Elective | Elective |
Year 1: Fall Semester | Year 1: Spring Semester | ||
Course Name | Course Type | Course Name | Course Type |
Foundations of Finance* | Stern Core / Foundational Course | Sustainability for Competitive Advantage* | Foundational Course |
Accounting | MBA Program Requirement | Sustainable Finance: Innovation & Trends in Capital Markets | Sustainable Finance |
Statistics & Data Analytics | MBA Program Requirement | Menu Core Class | Stern Core |
Menu Core Class | Stern Core | Menu Core Class | Stern Core |
Menu Core Class | Stern Core | Non-EmpowHER Elective | Elective |
Year 2: Fall Semester | Year 2: Spring Semester | ||
Course Name | Course Type | Course Name | Course Type |
Michael Price ESG Fund or NYU Impact Investing Fund (NIIF) | Experiential Learning | Michael Price ESG Fund or NYU Impact Investing Fund (NIIF) | Experiential Learning |
Managing Climate, Cyber, Geopolitcal, and Financial Risk | Sustainable Finance | Sustainable Finance: Innovation & Trends in Capital Markets | Sustainable Finance |
Non-EmpowHER Elective | Elective | Non-EmpowHER Elective | Elective |
Non-EmpowHER Elective | Elective | Non-EmpowHER Elective | Elective |
Non-EmpowHER Elective | Elective | Non-EmpowHER Elective | Elective |
Please note that these are just two examples of courses, you may substitute in any of our recommended sustainable finance courses for those listed.
Other Courses in Finance and Sustainable Business & Innovation
While the courses above will count towards your Finance and Sustainable Business & Innovation specializations, there are other course offerings that you can choose from after completing the 6-9 credits in sustainable finance offerings. Please see the Sustainable Business & Innovation specialization page and the Finance specialization page to ensure that you are meeting the requirements of your desired specializations. Please note that you can take up to three specializations during your time at Stern, but having a specialization is not required.
Popular course offerings in the Finance and Sustainable Business & Innovation Specializations:
- FINC-GB 2302: Corporate Finance | 3 credits | Fall & Spring
- FINC-GB 2334: Financial Service Industry | 3 credits | Spring
- FINC-GB 3165: Topics in Private Equity Finance | 3 credits | Spring
- FINC-GB 3173: Venture Capital Financing | 3 credits | Spring
- FINC-GB 3182: Global Value Investing | 3 credits | Fall
- FINC-GB 3320: Managing Investment Funds | 3 credits | Fall & Spring
- FINC-GB 3331: Valuation | 3 credits | Fall & Spring
Sustainable Business & Innovation
- BSPA-GB.2304: Social Entrepreneurship & Sustainable Development | 3 credits | Spring
- BSPA-GB.2306: Social Entrepreneurship in Sustainable Food Business | 3 credits | Fall
- BSPA-GB.2308: Driving Market Solutions for Clean Energy | 3 credits | Spring
- BSPA-GB.2331: Law, Business and Human Rights | 3 credits | Spring
- ECON-GB.2346: Growth in the Developing World and the Global Economy | 3 credits | Fall
- MKTG-GB 2323: Marketing and Sustainability | 3 credits | Fall