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Full-time MBA | Julian Sutton

Julian Sutton
Student Voices

Julian Sutton, MBA 2025

  • Hometown
    New Orleans, LA
  • Undergraduate
    School: University of Pennsylvania
    Major/Minor: Politics, Philosophy, and Economics (PPE)
  • Previous Company
    Consulting at Deloitte
  • Summer Internship
    National Basketball Association
  • Specializations at Stern
    Entertainment, Media, and Technology
  • Student Clubs
    Student Government, Co-President
    Entertainment, Media, and Sports Association, VP of Admissions

What moment made you realize Stern was the home for you?

I did a tour of Stern before I even really decided that I definitely wanted to go to business school. When the tour was over, I remember walking out of the building onto the plaza. The sun was just starting to set. It was springtime so the weather was nice and crisp. I looked out at the trees in Washington Square Park and took in all the hustle and bustle around me. Downtown in the greatest city in the world. And I was like yeahhhhhh, this will do.

How did you prepare for the program before you began it?

I took advantage of all the great resources Stern has to offer prospective students. I did a tour, sat in on a class, and spoke to some students from the clubs I was interested in. It helped me feel all the more prepared and excited before I arrived. Then I laid on a beach for three weeks. 😎

What class/professor has made the deepest impression on you?

Foundations of Entrepreneurship with Professor Okun! The man is an absolute character. You never know what to expect when you walk into the classroom but you can be sure that you're walking out with a piece of wisdom you can take with you for the rest of your career.

What advice do you have for prospective students?

Relaaaaaaaax. As cliché as it sounds, you've got to trust the process. This is difficult. It's amazing, but it's difficult. Deciding to go back to school is difficult. Picking a school is difficult. Actually starting school is, you guessed it, difficult. But you're ok! Trust your gut. Follow your heart. Know that you're doing what's best for you. And yeah, it's difficult, but it's a hell of a lot of fun too.

What advice would you give your first semester self?

Slow it down! Time absolutely flies in business school. You blink and it's over. So my advice to my first-semester self would be to take it all in. Revel in the moment. Cherish the little things. Do it all. Try it all. Explore it all. And don't be afraid to stop and smell the roses (or violets?).

What surprised you the most about Stern?

I was surprised to see just how invested all of the students are in each other. It’s easy to preach that kind of supportive culture, but at Stern, it's the real deal. People find success in helping others find success. Whether it's a midterm, a presentation, or even an interview, you would be surprised at the lengths Stern students go to prop each other up. It's a special kind of energy that truly is contagious.

What club or organization are you most proud of being a part of?

I’m most proud of being a part of Stern Student Government. What's different about student government in business school as opposed to undergrad, is no one's doing it to check a box or pad their resume. People join Student Government because they truly care about the Stern community and their fellow peers. That sense of community and responsibility is what makes this place so special.

How would you describe the Stern community?

"Family" - Dom Toretto

How has being located in the heart of NYC set you up for professional success?

Well first of all it makes my walk to class a lot more interesting. The things you see! But in terms of professional success and my overall trajectory, I could not ask for a better place to be. The amount of company treks you're able to take and the vast array of speakers that can come in is pretty incredible. You have such a leg up when it comes to the recruiting process because the majority of the companies people look at are right in your backyard!

What Experiential Learning opportunity has been your favorite and why?

During my first semester, I did an Experiential Learning program with Warner Bros Discovery. To this day, it remains one of the most rewarding experiences I've had at Stern. Students are broken up into small teams and assigned a real-life business problem WBD is currently facing. You're also paired up with a coach who is an actual executive at the company. There are learning sessions, happy hours, a Warner Bros. Discovery office visit, and a big presentation at the end. As an entertainment junkie, it was a dream come true.