Student Voices
Ryan Day Castle, MBA 2015
- Hometown
Austin, TX - Undergraduate
School: Washington University in St. Louis
Major: Marketing, FInance & Operations Management - Pre-MBA Role
Assistant Finance Manager, General Mills - Current Role
Fragrance Retail Development Manager, Cartier - Specializations at Stern
Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Luxury Marketing - Student Clubs
Association of Hispanic & Black Business Students
Luxury & Retail Club
What is your most treasured NYC spot or experience?
Passport Day was always my favorite. I loved participating in the day of exploration through food, dance and song. There was an openness with which everyone shared their heritage, created new dialogue, bridged gaps in understanding, and fostered new appreciation for rich backgrounds which are often overlooked in the classroom. It's fantastic.
What was your favorite class at Stern?
It would be better to stay at home rather than have your lack of preparation be made known during a Professor Galloway class. I've got to respect an individual who continually revitalizes content relevant for today, and expects only thought-provoking contributions in return.
How did you find a sense of community and support within Stern?
The Consortium for Graduate Study in Management gave me a wonderful community to start the MBA journey with. Everyone I encountered on my path as an Austinite switching careers, from the DBi Italy course, South Korea trek with my blockmates, Think Social Drink Local runway benefit, and weekly AHBBS events, I just knew...these are people I'll cherish for life. I'm grateful to still live in the city and be able to meet up with Sternies for a catch-up, or back on campus while volunteering with interviews and panel discussions.
How has our NYC setting prepared you for success?
Stern sits in prime NYC territory, and without the access to alumni and companies in my industry who are just a stone's throw away, I wouldn't have had the seamless transition from finance to fragrance and fashion that I did.
Who is someone that strongly influenced your time at Stern?
Professor Serdari (Luxury Marketing) and Beth Briggs (Office of Career Development) are two individuals whose capacity to care never cease to amaze me. I've been blessed by their industry counsel, interviewing strategy, and offer negotiation advisory many times over, even following graduation. When I think of who to emulate as I progress in my career, these are the strong leading women that first come to mind.
What advice do you have for prospective students?
My advice to those considering Stern is to please come visit! While many MBA program websites start to sound similar, the feeling you get interacting with current students, staff and faculty on campus will let you know where your home is. I was torn until I came to a few different events at NYU, and then it was crystal clear that this is where I would be nourished. My career goals, my background, my people. Nothing was out of place. Find yours.
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