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Full-time MBA | Steven Sacia

Steven Sacia
Student Voices

Steven Sacia, MBA 2025

  • Hometown
    Seattle, WA
  • Undergraduate
    School: University of Southern California
    Major/Minor: Business Administration
  • Previous Company
    Manager in Consulting at EY
  • Summer Internship
    Product Innovation/Management at Visa
  • Specializations at Stern
    Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Finance
  • Student Clubs
    Stern Technology Association, Co-President
    Private Equity and Venture Capital Association, Chief of Staff  
    Fintech Association 
    Stern Management and Strategy Association
    Stern Adventures Jewish Students Association 
    Stern Cellar

How did you prepare for the program before you began it?

Outside of the pre-work that I completed to get myself ready for class, I spent time relaxing. I had recently got married and spent the summer on my honeymoon. I was very intentional about making sure that I used my time in a way that refreshed and energized me for what would be quite the whirlwind of a first semester. Once school started, I was ready to go and hit the ground running.

What advice do you have for prospective students?

Be super proud of all that you have accomplished! You have either had a successful career to date, worked tirelessly on your application, or already enrolled in an elite business school like Stern. It is really easy to forget about all that you have accomplished and to get wrapped up in the admissions process. So, my advice is to give yourself a pat on the back, appreciate all that you have done, and tackle the next challenge or task with enthusiasm. Be proud and excited for what lies ahead, rather than anxious or nervous.

What advice would you give your first semester self?

The first semester is hectic in the best way possible! As someone who had been working for seven years, the thought of going back to school definitely caused some nerves. On top of that, the social opportunities are endless and the recruiting side of things can be strenuous. I am a firm believer that you get out of business school what you put in. But you cannot do everything. It is about being very intentional with what you do, and when times get tough and it feels like the problems and responsibilities overwhelm you, it is key to break everything down into small pieces and tackle them one by one. Always stay grounded in why you came to school and use that goal as your north star for guiding you through a turbulent, but exciting time.

What club or organization are you most proud of being a part of?

I take pride in all of the clubs or organizations that I’m a part of, but I feel especially proud of being in the Stern Technology Association (STA). Some reasons are obvious, as I will be co-president next year, but I truly believe that this club does a tremendous job helping students navigate the world of tech recruiting and fostering a community of individuals passionate about an ever-evolving industry. The Board and all members were amazing last year, and we look to build on those great successes to make STA and Tech the top of people's minds when they think about Stern.