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Full-time MBA | Aishani Majumdar

Aishani Majumdar
Student Voices

Aishani Majumdar, MBA 2025

  • Hometown
    Delhi, Jakarta, San Francisco
  • Undergraduate
    School: UC Berkeley
    Major/Minor: Chemical Engineering
  • Previous Company
    Brand in CPG/ Beauty at Rodan + Fields
  • Summer Internship
    CPG Brand at Pepsico
  • Specializations at Stern
    Leadership & Change Management; Digital Marketing; Corporate Finance
  • Student Clubs
    OutClass, President
    Association of Hispanic and Black Business Students, VP Allyship  
    Graduate Marketing Association, VP Alumni Relations

What moment made you realize Stern was the home for you?

The Consortium’s Orientation Program (OP)! Meeting my Consortium class in New Orleans, before Stern made me wildly excited about Stern.

How did you prepare for the program before you began it?

I envisioned and planned for my goals at Stern and my life plan. I also spent time with my out-of-Stern community because I knew I would be strapped for time at Stern.

What class/professor has made the deepest impression on you?

Leadership in Organizations with Michael North.

What advice do you have for prospective students?

Take chances and have an open attitude. Make the most of these two years to transform. Transformation isn't easy or comfortable, but it's worth it.

What advice would you give your first semester self?

Don't worry about following the herd. Focus on your goals.

What surprised you the most about Stern?

Dynamics due to a smaller class size (both good and bad). A small class makes it so you know mostly everyone but also creates an interesting dynamic where it's hard to escape any negative stuff.

What club or organization are you most proud of being a part of?

OutClass and AHBBS.

How would you describe the Stern community?

Humble Superstars.

How has being located in the heart of NYC set you up for professional success?

It's been a game changer. TRULY! 

How has Stern prepared you for the recruiting process?

Stern has been so helpful in preparing me. The focus on humility and the importance of EQ has been beyond helpful.

Who makes up your chosen family at NYU Stern?

The people that make me feel alive!