NYU x NYU / Stern
The NYU x NYU / Stern program offers highly qualified and motivated undergraduate students from New York University the opportunity to pursue their Full-Time 2 year MBA at NYU Stern within 2-5 years after their undergraduate graduation.
Students accepted into the program will receive a $10,000 Early Advancement Award to be applied to their Full-time MBA tuition upon enrolling at NYU Stern. Admitted students will also be eligible for consideration of further NYU Stern scholarships, including a specially designated one-year Berkley Early Advancement Fellowship covering full tuition and fees, in the year in which they enroll at Stern.
- Be in your final year of undergraduate study at the College of Arts and Sciences, College of Dentistry, Tandon School of Engineering, Global Liberal Studies, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, Stern School of Business, Rory Meyers College of Nursing, Silver School of Social Work, School of Professional Studies, Tisch School of the Arts, and Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development.
- Have an average cumulative GPA of 3.50 or above
- Be in good standing with NYU
- Have submitted a complete application to the NYU x NYU program by the deadlines indicated
- Domestic and international students are eligible to apply
Applying to the NYU x NYU / Stern Program
- Undergraduate students in their final year of study should submit the application to the NYU x NYU / Stern program.
- Application components include an application data form, endorsements, transcripts, resume and essays
- The NYU Stern application fee of $250 will not be required
- The standardized test requirement (GMAT/GRE/EA) for your application will be waived if you apply through the NYU x NYU / Stern program. Although a standardized test score is not required to apply to the program, quantitative preparation is key for performance in MBA requirements. If you have not taken quantitative courses at NYU, you may consider optionally providing a standardized test score to demonstrate quantitative proficiency. Please visit our Admissions page to learn more about demonstrating your quantitative readiness.
- An interview is required for admission to any full-time MBA program and is offered by invitation only. All interviews will be conducted by a member of the NYU Stern Admissions Committee.
- Applicants applying through The Consortium for Graduate Study in Management, or to any NYU dual degree, are not eligible.
Enrollment at Stern
- Students admitted to the NYU x NYU / Stern program are expected to gain 2-5 years of valuable post-undergraduate work experience in related fields prior to enrolling at Stern, and maintain regular contact with the NYU Stern MBA Admissions Office prior to their enrollment at Stern
- In the year they plan to enroll, admitted students will be required to complete an abbreviated admissions application to the Full-time 2 year MBA program and pay any subsequent enrollment deposits in the admissions cycle prior to their enrollment date.
- Admitted students may also have an opportunity to join the one-year Andre Koo Tech & Entrepreneurship MBA or one-year Luxury & Retail MBA programs instead of the Full-time 2 year MBA program in the year they plan to enroll. This opportunity will be contingent upon your demonstrated interest in the tech or luxury & retail industries, your specific post-undergraduate work experience, and your stated career goals. Prior to submitting your abbreviated application, a counseling call with a member of the Admissions Committee will be required to discuss the differences in our full-time MBA programs and will help determine which program is the best fit for you. Joining the Tech or Luxury & Retail MBA program instead of the 2-year Full-Time MBA program will be at the discretion of the Admissions Committee.