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Full-time MBA | Riley Kilgariff

Riley Kilgariff
Student Voices

Riley Kilgariff, MBA 2025

  • Hometown
    Philadelphia, PA
  • Undergraduate
    School: Cornell University
    Major/Minor: Fashion Design
  • Previous Industry
    Product Designer in Technology
  • Summer Internship
    Product Management Intern at Fiserv
  • Specializations at Stern
    Finance, Sustainable Business and Innovation
  • Student Clubs
    Stern Women In Business, Co-President
    Stern Student Government, VP of Wellness 
    Private Equity and Venture Capital Club, EVP Sponsorships
    Social Impact and Sustainability Association
    Luxury and Retail Club
    Stern Adventures

What moment made you realize Stern was the home for you?

The moment I realized Stern was the place for me was during Preview Weekend. At the time, I was deeply conflicted about what direction to take with my MBA, and I felt completely welcomed and at home among current Stern students and other prospective students I met. One of the most important parts of my decision-making process was who I would be spending the next two years with, so the opportunity to meet my potential classmates was a key factor in my decision to come to Stern.

How did you prepare for the program before you began it?

The most valuable thing I did to prepare for the MBA program was connecting with my fellow incoming MBA1 students. This was pivotal in having some familiar faces on the first day of LAUNCH Orientation, which made the whole process seem less intimidating. On a more tactical note, I did the optional math and accounting review courses because of my non-traditional background and wanted to set myself up for success in my first semester core classes.

What advice do you have for prospective students?

My biggest advice for prospective students is to find where they feel most at home. The MBA is only two years, but you should find where you will want to engage with the community and feel comfortable. Meet as many potential classmates as possible! Also, make the most of your summer and time before starting the program to explore your career interests and set yourself up for success. Lastly, I would suggest taking time to relax and spend time with your friends and family outside of Stern!

What club or organization are you most proud of being a part of?

I’m most proud to be a part of Stern Women in Business (SWIB). Speaking to members of SWIB at Preview Weekend was a huge part of why I chose to come to Stern. I decided to join the board as AVP of Admissions in my first year so I could also give back to prospective students. I’m proud to say that I will be a Co-President of SWIB for the 2024-2025 school year, and hope to continue to inspire the next class of women at Stern.

What Experiential Learning opportunity has been your favorite and why?

I’ve only had the chance to do one Experiential Learning opportunity so far, but I have enjoyed my time in Fashion & Luxury Solutions. I was a fashion major in undergrad and have had an interest in fashion for as long as I can remember, so it’s been really exciting to work on a real project for a real client. I also have valued getting to work with the Fashion & Luxury MBA students and hear their perspectives on Stern.