Two students wear their Stern backpacks in Washington Square Park

Class of 2025

Learn about the Full-time MBA class of 2025.

Class Profile






Admission Rate


Number Enrolled

Class Demographics

Average Age: 28 years
 100% Age Range: 21 - 37 years

LBGTQ+: 13%
Women: 43%
US Military Veterans/ Active Duty: 13%
Minorities: 47%^
Underrepresented Minorities: 17%

Countries Represented: 46*
Students with International Citizenship: 48%*

Race and EthnicityMulti-Dimensional Guidelines¹Federal Guidelines²
American Indian, Alaskan Native or Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander1%300
African American, Black9%197%15
Asian American33%7027%59
Hispanic, Latino8%178%17
White, Non-Hispanic57%12245%97
Did not specify6%126%12

Professional Experience


Students with
Work Experience


Average Years of
Work Experience


100% Range - Years of
Work Experience

Prior Industry%
Financial Industries26%
Technology 10%
Military, Government 8%
Entertainment, Media6%
Nonprofit, Arts, Education6%
Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals6%
Consumer Products, Retail5%
Real Estate5%
Advertising, Public Relations3%
Manufacturing, Import/Export, Trade2%


GPA Statistics

Average:  3.61
80% Range: 3.34 - 3.87
100% Range: 2.96 - 4.00

GMAT Statistics

Average:  732
80% Range: 700 - 760
100% Range: 650 - 780

GRE Statistics

Q Average:  163
Q 80% Range: 157 - 170
Q 100% Range: 155 - 170

V Average:  163
V 80% Range: 158 - 168
V 100% Range: 155 - 169

Undergraduate Majors

Business: 27%
Engineering, Math, Science: 27%
Social Science: 19%
Economics: 17%
Humanities, Arts, Other: 10%

Standardized Test Types

GMAT: 45%
GRE: 22%
EA: 14%
Test Waiver: 9%
NYU Test Waiver: 6%


^ Includes U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents who identify as African American/Black, Asian, Hawaiian Native/Pacific Islander, Hispanic or Native American/Alaska Native

‡ Includes U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents who identify as African American/Black, Hispanic, Hawaiian Native/Pacific Islander or Native American/Alaska Native

* Includes Foreign National, Dual Citizen and U.S. Permanent Resident

¹ These guidelines allow for students to identify with more than one race, so the sum equals greater than 100%. The data is shown as a percent of US citizens and permanent residents. 

² Per federal guidelines, all students who identify as both Hispanic, Latino and any other race are represented as Hispanic, Latino only. Students who identify with more than one race, but not Hispanic, Latino, are represented as Multi-race. The data is shown as a percent of US citizens and permanent residents. The sum equals 100%.