Doing Business in Australia: Student - Alumni Mixer


Online registration is now closed, but walk-ins are welcome!

Join your fellow Stern alumni in D.C for Happy Hour this December! Catch-up with old friends, meet new friends, and network with Sternies in the area. 

A selection of tasty appetizers will be provided; additional food and beverages are pay-on-your-own. 

Price: $10.00 per person 

Online registration has closed for this event.  Walk-ins are welcome.

The Office of Career Development and the SWIB Alumnae Group invite you to join us for a panel discussion and networking reception on December 4th: Transitioning into Working Motherhood: Navigating a Successful (or good enough) Transition into Pregnancy and Returning Back to Work.

Online registration is now closed - walk ins are welcome!

The NYU Stern Entertainment, Media and Technology Alumni Group and the Office of Alumni Relations invite you to the seventh annual EMT Summit, where Stern alumni, students, and industry professionals will have the chance to learn and network over a shared interest in the entertainment, media and tech space.