Financial Instruments and Markets Specialization

The financial instruments and markets specialization includes courses on equity markets and debt instruments, as well as futures and options and other more specialized topics. This specialization focuses primarily on understanding the markets in which various financial instruments are traded and understanding the factors that influence the return and risk characteristics of financial instruments, both individually and in portfolios. The financial instruments and markets specialization may be suitable for students pursuing careers in the securities industry or the broad area of investment management.

Academic Advisor: Professor Yakov Amihud, 212-998-0720

Course List

Take 9 credits from the following list, of which at least 6 credits are FINC-GB courses.

Course NumberCourse Title
FINC-GB.2175Managing Climate, Cyber, Geopolitical, and Financial risk
FINC-GB.2334Financial Service Industry
FINC-GB.2339Real Estate Capital Markets
FINC-GB.2341Real Estate Investment Strategy
FINC-GB.2347Climate Finance: An Economic and Financial Approach to Climate Change
FINC-GB.2375Managing Climate, Cyber, Geopolitical, and Financial risk
FINC-GB.2382Global Value Investing
FINC-GB.2386Chinese Financial Markets
FINC-GB.3103International Finance-International Investments Analysis
FINC-GB.3106Topics in Credit Risk
FINC-GB.3129Behavioral and Experimental Finance
FINC-GB.3155Financial Analysis in Healthcare
FINC-GB.3165Topics in Private Equity Finance
FINC-GB.3173 Venture Capital Financing
FINC-GB.3176Topics in Investments
FINC-GB.3180Topics in Cryptocurrency Investing
FINC-GB.3182Global Value Investing
FINC-GB.3186Project Finance and Infrastructure Investment
FINC-GB.3198Bankruptcy and Reorganization
FINC-GB.3199Case Studies in Bankruptcy & Reorganization
FINC-GB.3306Credit Risk & Bankruptcy
FINC-GB.3324Digital Currency, Blockchains, & Future of Financial Services
FINC-GB.3332Portfolio Management
FINC-GB.3333Debt Instruments and Markets
FINC-GB.3335Futures and Options
FINC-GB.3348Investing for Environmental and Social Impact
FINC-GB.3357Private Investing and Wealth Management
FINC-GB.3365Private Equity Finance
FINC-GB.3373New Venture Financing
FINC-GB.3384Emerging Financial Markets
INTA-GB.2324Business, Economy and Policy in the midst of COVID-19
TECH-GB.2350Robo Advisors and Systematic Trading
TECH-GB.3350Financial Information Systems
STAT-GB.2308Applied Stochastic Processes for Financial Models
STAT-GB.3321Introduction to Stochastic Processes

For course descriptions, please see the Office of Records & Registration website.