Acceleration of Program (Langone)
(Full-time students: please see Credit Overload)
Langone Part-time MBA students may register for up to the following credit maximums during each semester without any additional approval:
Semester | Credit Maximum |
Early Fall | 4.5 Credits |
Fall | 9 Credits |
Winter Intensive | 4.5 Credits |
Spring | 9 Credits |
Summer 1 | 6 Credits |
Summer 2 | 6 Credits |
Please note that due to course schedules, taking 4.5 credits during an Intensive Session is often difficult and never guaranteed.
Due to certain personal or professional circumstances, Langone Part-time MBA students may find it necessary to accelerate their program, taking more than the credit maximums outlined above. Students who feel that they are in such a situation may submit their request for an acceleration to the Academic Policy Board for review.
Accelerations are permitted during the Fall and Spring semesters, allowing students to take up to a maximum of 15 credits.
- Accelerations are not permitted during the Intensive sessions.
To be considered for an acceleration, you must:
- Have completed all Stern Core courses prior to applying
- The Stern Core does not include the Langone Core or Professional Responsibility
- Core courses may not be taken as part of the acceleration.
- Submit a formal request to the Academic Policy Board
- Apply only for the upcoming Fall or Spring semester
- Applications are only considered for the upcoming semester
- Multiple or future accelerations are not considered or approved
- You may not accelerate during the Intensive sessions.
The application must include the following information:
- A statement of the circumstances prompting the request.
- Your current GPA and why it will not be compromised by acceleration.
- An explanation as to how you will be able to devote the appropriate amount of time needed to accomplish the additional credit load.
- A detailed plan of study for completion of the remainder of the program, including the number of credits proposed for each term, not to exceed 15 in any Fall or Spring semester.
- A Career Development Plan that includes short term (during the remainder of the program) and long term (post graduation) career goals, and a detailed plan for achieving them.
- A statement of understanding that if the acceleration is approved:
- The school is making an exception due to a change in circumstances.
- Your student status does not change (Langone students remain in the Langone program despite taking a full credit load for one semester).
- The standard tuition refund and scholastic standing policies continue to apply.
- Tuition will be charged at the per credit rate indicated on the Tuition & Fee Schedule.
The Acceleration petition should be submitted one month prior to the beginning of the semester for which acceleration is requested.
Note that applications are considered for a single term only. A new application must be submitted prior to any subsequent terms for which you wish to request acceleration.