Incomplete Grades

If a student is unable to complete the coursework for a course before the last class of the semester, the student may request a grade of Incomplete. 

The procedure for requesting an Incomplete Grade:

  1. A student should discuss the option for an incomplete grade with the course instructor before the last class of the semester. 
  2. If the incomplete grade option is agreed upon, the instructor is responsible for providing "make-up" work without having the student retake the course.
  3. After receiving an incomplete grade, the student must complete the coursework by the required deadline in order to earn an official grade. The deadlines are: June 1 for Fall courses and January 1 for Spring or Summer courses. Extensions are not granted.

Incomplete Pass (IP) and Incomplete Fail (IF)

Students may be awarded one of two types of Incomplete grade:

  1. Incomplete Pass (IP). An Incomplete Pass may be given if the student was passing at the time the incomplete was given. An "IP" will lapse to an "N" or no credit, if not completed by the deadline.
  2. Incomplete Fail (IF). An Incomplete Fail is given if the student was failing at the time the incomplete was given. An "IF" will lapse to an "F" or fail if not completed by the deadline. A failed course must be re-taken if needed for degree requirements (core courses and/or credit requirements). A grade of "F" will figure into the GPA.

Deadlines for Completion

Semester of Incomplete GradeDeadline to Complete Coursework
FallThe following June 1
SpringThe following January 1
SummerThe following January 1

Graduating students have revised deadlines; please see Graduation Requirements for those deadlines. There are no extensions for the incomplete deadlines.

"Sitting in" on a course during the following semester to make up the incomplete is not permitted.