Free Course
Students in their final semester of an MBA program may take up to 3 extra credits, free of charge, beyond the total credits required to complete their degree program.
Two Year Full-time MBA students and Langone Part-time MBA students may register for their free course in the semester in which they earn their 60th credit.
Focused MBA students may register for their free course in the semester in which they earn their 52nd credit.
Students may register for their free course at the end of the add/drop period. Because the free course is not necessary in order to fulfill the MBA program requirements, students are not permitted to register for the free course until all other students have had the opportunity to register for courses they may need to fulfill their MBA program requirements.
Students who wish to enroll in and earn more than 63 credits (after registering and receiving approval for your free course) may do so in their final semester of study and may not extend their program to do so. Students will be required to pay for any additional credits beyond 63 credits and must have successfully met all academic program requirements. Students are required to meet with an adviser to discuss enrollment. Please note that financial aid (including loans) is not available for any credits taken in excess of 63 credits. Tuition is charged per point and it is the sole responsibility of the student to pay all associated costs and fees.
Upon graduation, please be aware that we offer Alumni Lifelong Learning benefits which have a wealth of resources for you to enjoy as alumni.