Faculty News

Executive-in-Residence Richard Berner points to corporate borrowing as a risk to the economy

CNN logo
Excerpt from CNN-- "'The regulators have not taken preventive action to prevent the buildup of risk,' says Richard Berner, who until last year ran the Treasury Department's Office of Financial Research. 'So they have to think about what they do when bad things happen.'"
Faculty News

Professor Russell Winer discusses how year-round online shopping may make Cyber Monday obsolete

Metro logo
Excerpt from Metro -- "'Due to Amazon, I think more retailers are offering deals year round,' he said. 'People are becoming a little bit, I’d say, skeptical about whether or not you’re going to get the best deal on Cyber Monday.'"
Faculty News

Professor Adam Alter shares tips to combat email addiction, from his book, "Irresistible"

Fast Company logo
Excerpt from Fast Company-- “'Seventy-five percent of Americans can reach their phones without moving their feet 24 hours a day,' says Adam Alter, author of Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked. 'It’s easier to resist the charms of your inbox if it’s not within reach.'"
School News

Full-time MBA students Edgar Corona, Sam Daly, Surabhi Khanna, Tiffaine Stephens and Allison Wilson are profiled in “The Real Humans of the MBA Class of 2020” series

Clear Admit logo
Excerpt from Clear Admit -- "Eckerle discussed 'Why Sustainability Makes Dollars and Sense,' highlighting that when a company includes sustainability in their strategy and practice, it helps improve their efficiency, brand reputation, employee engagement, profitability and stock price performance. This raised important insight into the side of sustainability people don’t think of right away – analyzing how taking sustainable action not only protects our environment, but can also bolster profitability and higher levels of consumer engagement – providing greater incentives for companies to take higher sustainable action."
Research Center Events

Sustainable Protein: How Tech and Finance are Disrupting and Innovating for the Future

Kaufman Management Center
On November 26, join the NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business, the NYU Department of Environmental Studies and the Environmental Humanities Initiative to learn about the exciting new world and investor opportunities of sustainable protein.
Faculty News

Professor Alixandra Barasch explains why retailers are investing in unique in-store customer experiences

amNewYork logo
Excerpt from amNewYork-- "'The extra utility that consumers get from experiencing and playing ... it's almost like an artistic expression,' she added. 'In terms of getting people into physical stores, this is necessary. It's innovation that this is coming out of a dying medium, they have to.'"
Faculty News

Professors Tülin Erdem and Thomaï Serdari are interviewed about the impact of Dolce & Gabbana's controversial ad campaign

CNN logo
Excerpt from the CNN-- "'This is a big brand crisis,' said Tulin Erdem, a professor of marketing at NYU's Stern business school. 'Sometimes brands do recover ... but on a scale of 1-10, [this is] really high up.' ... 'People are really influenced by what's happening online,' [Serdari] said. 'They do shop primarily online, and they're excellent researchers,' she said. They 'have experience in the luxury market and they really know what they're buying.'"
Faculty News

Professor Edward Altman explains his "Z-Score" research and shares his views on the global economy

Il Sole 24 Ore logo
Excerpt from Il Sole 24 Ore -- (translated from Italian using Google Translate) "'There is a direct correlation between the economic slowdown and the rate of corporate bankruptcies,'..."
Faculty News

"The Coddling of the American Mind," co-authored by Professor Jonathan Haidt, is named to the "Best Books of 2018" for politics

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times-- "Two liberal academics take on what they portray as an epidemic of 'safetyism' in American universities that is threatening free speech and scholarly debate. The authors offer a tour of this new world, incorporating safe spaces, trigger warnings, micro-aggressions and de-platforming."
Faculty News

Professor Russell Winer offers advice for identifying authentic online beauty reviews as fake product reviews continue to rise

Excerpt from the Glamour-- "'Trust and authenticity are keys to buyers today, particularly millennials,' says Russell Winer, Ph.D., a professor and the deputy chair of the marketing department at NYU Stern School of Business. 'If that is destroyed, a company can be seriously hurt.'"
Faculty News

Professor and Vice Dean of MBA Programs JP Eggers is quoted in a story on the opportunities that Amazon's new offices will bring to the b-school community

TopMBA logo
Excerpt from TopMBA -- "J.P. Eggers, Vice Dean of MBA Programs at Stern, suggested the school is both fully aware of the opportunity the move will provide and ready to play a big part in its success: 'We are thrilled that soon, Amazon will be in our backyard, providing an opportunity to leverage our unique locational endowment, as we do with many companies, to further the already strong connections between us.'"
Faculty News

Professor Tülin Erdem is quoted in a feature story on Black Friday

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from the The New York Times -- "'The economic savings, feeling good about yourself having found a good deal, being a shrewd consumer,' she said, all add up to one key factor. Plus, because so many stores offer Black Friday sales, it’s easier to find discounts without having to search as hard as you might during the rest of the year. But, Dr. Erdem said, another reason Black Friday remains so popular is tradition."
School News

In a trend piece, Associate Dean of MBA Admissions, Financial Aid and Academic Affairs Paula Steisel Goldfarb highlights the breadth of Stern MBA specializations and innovations in course offerings, including the new affiliated CDL-NYC MBA course

find MBA logo
Excerpt from Find MBA -- "Steisel Goldfarb says the courses 'are often developed based on anticipated skills needed in the business world and student interest.' For instance, Stern recently housed the Creative Destruction Lab, which supports the monetization of science and tech startups. An affiliated MBA course was introduced as a result, to provide students with direct access to the venture development process."
Faculty News

Professor Petra Moser shares her views on the impact Amazon's $15 minimum wage may have on rivals

MIT Sloan Management Review logo
Excerpt from MIT Sloan Management Review -- “Even after Amazon fills all their jobs, they’ll be workers left who would work for less than $15. So unless Amazon competes in a very tight local market, other firms won’t be forced to follow.”
Faculty News

Professor Kristen Sosulski shares how firms can develop a data practice, from her book, "Data Visualization Made Simple"

Voice of America logo
Excerpt from Voice of America -- "Visualization of data is not only a skill for your IT folks. It's a competence that's needed throughout every organization... Today, when I train managers and executives in the visualization of data, first we focus on the impact and the business case. Then, we work through the technical details."
Faculty News

Professor Allen Adamson dispels Black Friday myths

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from The Washington Post-- "'You buy one cheap item, and then you buy five items you don’t need at full price,' says Allen Adamson of New York University’s Stern School of Business. Adamson adds that shoppers often wrongly assume that everything is on sale."
School News

Director of Corporate Research and Engagement at the Center for Sustainable Business Kevin Eckerle's presentation at the Raise the Green Bar 2018 Sustainability Summit is referenced

Eco18 logo
Excerpt from Eco18 -- "Eckerle discussed 'Why Sustainability Makes Dollars and Sense,' highlighting that when a company includes sustainability in their strategy and practice, it helps improve their efficiency, brand reputation, employee engagement, profitability and stock price performance. This raised important insight into the side of sustainability people don’t think of right away – analyzing how taking sustainable action not only protects our environment, but can also bolster profitability and higher levels of consumer engagement – providing greater incentives for companies to take higher sustainable action."
School News

Paul Barrett, deputy director for the Center for Business and Human Rights, is cited in a story on the closure of the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "Paul Barrett, deputy director for the Center for Business and Human Rights at the NYU Stern School of Business, said threats by retailers to move elsewhere might not be credible. 'I don’t think the big Western brands want to leave. They’ve committed themselves to improving safety,' he said. 'Various brands are exploring Ethiopia but there isn’t the capacity to rival what goes on in Bangladesh.'"
Faculty News

Professor Robert Seamans is quoted in a story on how small co-ops are delivering broadband access to rural areas

WIRED logo
Excerpt from WIRED-- "Even little efforts could effectively spook incumbents into reform. The academic Rob Seamans has found that 'the threat of entry is enough.' When a farmers’ co-op plans to roll out broadband, the big companies suddenly decide it’s time to upgrade."
Faculty News

In an in-depth interview, Professor Aswath Damodaran discusses Amazon as an investment

Seeking Alpha logo
Excerpt from Seeking Alpha -- (3:38) "The nature of valuation is not that you are trying to find every winner but that you are trying to find the next one. That said, Amazon has been a surprise in the making."
School News

In a Q&A interview, Director of MBA Admissions Lauren Calio highlights the School's collaborative culture and shares tips for prospective MBA applicants, underscoring the importance of EQ

Metro MBA logo
Excerpt from MetroMBA -- "Beyond work experience and goals, a common thread among our students is their high emotional intelligence or EQ, and engagement in our collaborative community. We also pride ourselves on being a school where everyone can be themselves. Our students’ interests outside of the classroom are also vast, as evidenced by our 30+ student clubs serving professional, affinity, sports, and special interest areas."
Faculty News

Professor Petra Moser shares why she believes industry self-regulation will not mitigate climate change in the absence of a carbon tax

MIT Sloan Management Review logo
Excerpt from MIT Sloan Management Review -- “Carbon dioxide emissions create monumental social costs, which are not covered by industries that burn fossil fuels. Firms have no incentive to volunteer paying for these costs. In fact, that would be a really dumb business decision. This is a place where ‘self-regulation’ fails, and we need evidence-based government policies.”
Faculty News

Professor Robert Engle's comments at the 2018 Lujiazui Financial City Global Financial Risk Management Meeting in Shanghai are highlighted

Yicai Global logo
Excerpt from Yicai Global -- "Debt management will be more difficult once confidence within the financial system disappears, Robert Engle, a Nobel Laureate in economics, told Yicai Global, adding that slowly reducing the debt ratio of state-owned enterprises and local governments, as well as safeguarding foreign investment can help to solve this challenge. An end to the China-US trade spat will also benefit both sides, he added."
Faculty News

"The Coddling of the American Mind," co-authored by Professor Jonathan Haidt, is named one of the "100 Notable Books of 2018"

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from the The New York Times -- "Expanding on their influential Atlantic article, the authors trace the culture of 'safetyism' on campus to a generation convinced of its own fragility, warning of potentially dire consequences for democracy."
Faculty News

Professor Karen Brenner identifies lessons companies can learn from the arrest of Nissan chairman Carlos Ghosn

Barron's logo
Excerpt from Barron's-- "'It’s easy for a board to be alert when times are tough, but it’s very important for a board to maintain their vigilance when times are good,' she continues, adding that 'sometimes boards can be deferential to an iconic CEO' such as Ghosn. (Ghosn stepped down as CEO of Nissan last year while remaining chairman.)"