Student Club Events

2018 Graduate Marketing Association Conference

2018 Graduate Marketing Association Conference Logo
On Friday, November 2, the Stern Graduate Marketing Association will host its annual conference entitled, "Unraveling Big Data: How Marketers Use Big Data and AI to Connect with Consumers."
Faculty News

Professor Kristen Sosulski's book, "Data Visualization Made Simple," is reviewed

BizEd Magazine logo
Excerpt from BizEd -- "[Sosulski] presents clear information about why data visualization is essential and what types of tools are available, before explaining what features users should look for in visualization graphics and how companies and individuals can use the information they uncover."
Faculty News

Professor Adam Alter shares how the design of social media platforms encourages excessive use, from his book, "Irresistible"

The Week logo
Excerpt from The Week -- "'Infinite scroll basically eradicates the stopping cues that usually tell us to move on to something else,' explains Adam Alter, the author of Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked. 'Traditionally, when you got to the bottom of a particular screen you had to click to release more information. With infinite scroll there is no click so your default is to just continue ad infinitum.'"
Faculty News

Professor Adam Alter is interviewed for a story on tech companies' efforts to address tech addiction

CNN logo
Excerpt from CNN -- "'These are band aids,' Adam Alter, author of 'Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked,' tells CNN. 'Instead of actually producing tech that's good for us -- that helps us live better lives -- these tools basically suggest that the tech itself can't be improved, so we're stuck with trying to discourage or curb usage.'"
Faculty News

Professor Ralph Gomory comments on how Senator Elizabeth Warren's introduction of the Accountable Capitalism Act is a step in the right direction

Excerpt from the Epoch Times -- "The legislation is an important step in the right direction, according to Ralph Gomory, a research professor at New York University and a National Medal of Science laureate. 'The great service of this bill—whether it ever gets passed or not—is that it has raised the issue. It has become a public issue,' he said."
School News

Professor David Yermack is interviewed about the evolution of his course on blockchain; MBA students Hannah Diaz and Evan Eisman highlight the value of knowledge of blockchain for their careers

MarketWatch logo
Excerpt from MarketWatch -- (:12) "...What we try to get across in the course is that the finance industry itself is migrating toward incorporating this technology into everybody's applications..."
Faculty News

Professor Maria Patterson explains why executives are exercising caution in choosing to align their businesses with a political candidate

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "'Politics has become so polarised that you as the executive of a company have such a risk of blowback,' said Maria Patterson, clinical associate professor at the NYU Stern School of Business. 'You need to be really sure the candidate you’re supporting is not also speaking for positions that are going to upset your customers, your employees and your stockholders.'"
Faculty News

Professor Michael Posner advocates for the need for improved labor protections in Cambodia, emphasizing their importance for a successful business climate

Excerpt from Just Style -- "We are deeply concerned about the shrinking space for labour leaders to operate freely in Cambodia, which is part of a broader pattern of restrictions of civil society. The Fair Labor Association stands ready to work with the government and all other stakeholders in Cambodia to ensure that the rights of of workers are protected and that companies can confidently do business in this country."
School News

Professor David Yermack's comments at the 2018 Ross Roundtable on how AI and blockchain will influence the future of accounting are featured

Accounting Today logo
Excerpt from Accounting Today -- "'The distributed ledger reduces the need for audit by 97 percent,' he said. 'Auditors in the future will be competing on the basis of productivity, which will essentially mean who has the fastest hardware and software. And fraud, in the classical sense, will be all but impossible.'"
Faculty News

Professor Sabrina Howell shares insights on R&D spending in US and Chinese tech firms

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "Alibaba, Tencent and other large Chinese firms, more so than their American counterparts, have sought to innovate through acquisition rather than with in-house research, said Sabrina T. Howell, an assistant finance professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business who researches American and Chinese innovation. 'Some of what you see in R&D is the outsourcing of innovation in China,' she said."
Faculty News

In a contributed article, Professor Michelle Greenwald examines the integral role of the Ad Council after 76 years in business

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "While their work has always been extremely important and benefited global citizens in many different ways, it has never more relevant or needed than today. As a marketing organization, when so many legacy institutions are dropping by the wayside or merging with others, the ways the Ad Council has grown and evolved with the times and changing needs can be instructive."
Faculty News

Professor Dolly Chugh underscores the importance of a growth mindset for mitigating unconscious bias, from her book, "The Person You Mean to Be"

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "'A fixed mindset says: "I am not racist or sexist."' Dr. Chugh says. 'A growth mindset, which is open to change, says: "I know there is always room to grow in this area."'"
School News

The TRIUM global executive MBA program is featured

BusinessBecause logo
Excerpt from BusinessBecause -- "The 18-month program covers entrepreneurship, marketing, negotiation analysis, fintech, and climate change, among others. You can also engage in the Capstone Project, developing a business idea from inception to launch, all the while drawing on expertise from alumni, faculty, and peers."
Faculty News

Professor Vicki Morwitz is quoted in a feature story on sale pricing tactics and how consumers can avoid overpaying for goods

Consumer Reports logo
Excerpt from Consumer Reports -- "'We get excited by the prospect of a big price reduction, so we don’t do the math very carefully on these sales,' says Vicki Morwitz, professor of marketing at New York University’s Stern School of Business. 'We think we’re getting a 50 percent discount off the entire order, but of course we’re not.'"
Faculty News

Professor Paul Romer is featured in an column on data protection, urging for transparency and clarity over privacy

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "'If nobody — let’s call that fewer than 5 per cent of users — can get an even partial understanding' of the terms of a transaction, then Romer says companies simply shouldn’t be doing them. What’s more, 'we should put the burden of proof on the companies themselves' rather than allowing them to circumvent responsibility via 'phoney disclosures.'"
Research Center Events

2018 NYU Stern Ross Roundtable

2018 Ross Roundtable presenters and attendees
On October 29, NYU Stern's Vincent C. Ross Institute of Accounting Research hosted a Roundtable on the impact of new technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, big data and machine learning, on accounting, financial reporting and business more generally.
Research Center Events

A Tipping Point in Human Progress

Kaufman Management Center
On October 29, the NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights and The Rockefeller Foundation will host a conversation moderated by Professor Michael Posner, Director of the Center for Business and Human Rights, with special guest Dr. Rajiv J. Shah, President of The Rockefeller Foundation.
Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: Great Leadership: Developing Practical Leadership Skills

Following the premise that leadership is a skill to acquire and master, rather than a genetic inheritance, this course will provide a framework and template for your journey to becoming a great leader.
Faculty News

Professor Jonathan Haidt is interviewed on how shifts in parenting norms are setting up a generation of students for failure, from his book, "The Coddling of the American Mind"

Real Time with Bill Maher logo
Excerpt from Real Time with Bill Maher -- (2:14)"...Kids born around 1995 had a very different childhood from kids born a few years before...they're sitting at home on their devices talking with each other and this seems to be changing social development and we know this, this is not just some perception from outsiders, because the rates of anxiety disorders, depression, self cutting where they have to be admitted to hospitals, and suicide, all of these rates are way way up, especially for girls, and it all begins right around 2011 and so it's when this generation first enters college campuses in 2013, that's when this new attitude about speech comes in."
Faculty News

In a Q&A interview, Professor Amy Webb discusses her work as a futurist consultant for the TV series "The First"

Channel 4 logo
Excerpt from Channel 4 -- "Given what we know to be true today, yes—it’s plausible that humans will travel to Mars sometime around 2031. However, there are a number of dependencies that could accelerate or decelerate that time horizon. Regulation, geopolitical strife, the availability of certain components and climate change all have the potential to derail our journey to Mars. On the other hand, they could also help us get there sooner."
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran shares his thoughts on Netflix's future in light of its current business model

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "'Netflix’s fundamental business model seems unsustainable,' said Aswath Damodaran, a New York University finance professor, who has examined the company’s numbers closely. 'I don’t see how it is going to work out.'"
Faculty News

Professor Joe Foudy is interviewed for a feature story on the increase of contract and temporary workers in the US

Knews24 logo
Excerpt from Knews24 -- (1:05) "I think there is a risk that we have essentially shifted lots of burdens from companies to employers..."
Student Club Events

NYU Stern Annual Healthcare Association Conference

Kaufman Management Center
The Stern Healthcare Association will host its annual conference, themed "Transforming Healthcare Delivery" on Friday, October 26, 2018.
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan explains the dynamics involved in the US-China trade war

Marketplace Logo
Excerpt from Marketplace -- "New York University business professor Arun Sundararajan said the U.S. interest is to tax Chinese imports, whether Beijing responds or not. Either way, Washington makes money. 'If China imposes tariffs, the U.S.'s best response is we'll tax your imports as well,' he said. 'If China doesn't, then the best response of the U.S. is also to say, "Well, they're not doing anything. Let me sort of collect from them."'"
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway shares his views on Alphabet's earnings results and the shutdown of Google+

Guardian logo
Excerpt from The Guardian -- "Scott Galloway, a professor at NYU’s Stern School of Business, said it should come as no surprise that the move didn’t turn into a financial setback this quarter, especially considering how poorly Google+ was performing. 'They were looking for an excuse to shut it down,' he says. 'To connect this problem to shutting the platform down was disingenuous.'"