Business and Policy Leader Events

Stern EMBA Speaker Series: Baly Ambegaoker (MBA ‘15)

Baly Ambegaoker
On November 30, 2018, NYU Stern's Executive MBA Program and NYU Washington DC hosted the second Stern EMBA Speaker Series event at NYU’s downtown DC location featuring EMBA alumna Baly Ambegaoker (MBA ‘15), Co-Founder, Chairwoman and Co-CEO of CENTERPOINT.
Faculty News

In a contributed article, Professor Kristen Sosulski outlines best practices for data visualization

digital bulletin logo feature
Excerpt from Digital Bulletin -- "I think visualization is now an interface that allows us to understand the world; anything from your smartphone to smart cities."
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway explains why he believes Microsoft's Satya Nadella is the tech CEO of the year

Recode logo
Excerpt from Recode -- "The market just loves monogamy, or specifically recurring revenue, and Microsoft for a long time has had just this tens of billions of dollars of recurring revenue in the form of Office. Satya Nadella and Microsoft, as we’re all barking at the moon and talking about Facebook and Apple, they just keep plugging along. It’s incredible."
Faculty News

Professor Lawrence White comments on how investor skepticism has impacted the hedge fund industry

stamford advocate logo
Excerpt from Stamford Advocate-- "'That skepticism is entering into the areas of public pension funds and university endowments, which are major investors with hedge funds,' said Lawrence J. White, a professor of economics in New York University’s business school."
Faculty News

Professor Allen Adamson discusses how Marriott's data breach will impact its brand

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg-- (34:02) "It's a buyer beware situation. You're buying those customers, but you're also buying the technology and the infrastructure, and part of that is making sure they now apply enough duct tape and chewing gum to make sure they lock this down. Once, somebody can get forgiven, twice, it's much, much worse."
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran explains why he believes the recent decrease in Apple's stock price makes it a good investment

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Excerpt from CNBC -- "'I would buy Apple because, to me, the cash flows are there and I can see it continuing to go back to that steady state,' the finance professor at NYU’s Stern School of Business said Friday on CNBC’s 'Squawk Alley.'"
Faculty News

Professor Arthur Kroeber is recognized as a favorite professor by recent Executive MBA graduate Nate Kimball (MBA '18)

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "'Professor Arthur Kroeber really opened our eyes to the impact of China on the global economy in the aptly titled "China’s Global Rise and its Economic Implications" elective during our second year. It was great to learn from an economic practitioner with many years of on-the-ground experience.'
Nate Kimball, New York University (Stern)"
School News

Assistant Dean of Career Services Beth Briggs shares why Stern MBAs have succeeded in meeting their career goals in a trend story on MBA employment

BusinessBecause logo
Excerpt from BusinessBecause -- "'We begin working hand-in-hand with our MBA students on the recruitment process before they even arrive on campus for their first semester,' she says. 'Our early and continuous engagement, coupled with the quality of our students and a strong employment market in New York City, has led to great results across a variety of career paths.'"
Faculty News

In a Q&A interview, Professor Melissa Schilling shares tips for entrepreneurs

yourstory logo
Excerpt from YourStory-- "Timing is key; you need cash flow, or a source of capital, to come in at the right rate to build up production and distribution capacity, or you can suddenly find yourself insolvent and your business evaporates even if its underlying idea was a great one."
Faculty News

Professor Anat Lechner provides insight into how having more women in leadership roles helps combat sexual harassment

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Excerpt from MM&M Magazine -- "Dr. Lechner says having more women in senior roles has been shown to make organizations less prone to sexual and gender harassment... 'It goes to the issue of how permissive is the organization of sexual harassment, and permissibility is tied to leadership,' she adds."
Faculty News

Professor Paul Romer's fireside chat with Dean Raghu Sundaram is featured

value walk logo
Excerpt from the ValueWalk-- "On October 24, NYU Stern hosted a fireside chat and reception to celebrate Professor Paul Romer winning the 2018 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences."
Faculty News

In an in-depth interview, Professor Amy Webb discusses the possibility of gene editing in the future

Marketplace Logo
Excerpt from Marketplace -- "I think it's entirely plausible that we could be heading into a situation in which due to certain circumstances and the distribution of wealth and the distribution of health care, it's plausible that we could have engineered humans who succeed in life."
Faculty News

The Dunning-Kruger effect, joint research by Professor Justin Kruger, is referenced

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from the The New York Times-- "The answer, probably, is the Dunning-Kruger effect: inept people are often confident in their abilities, because they’re too inept to know how badly they’re doing."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan comments on Airbnb's entrance into the housing market through Backyard, a new initiative introducing prototype mixed-use homes

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from The Washington Post-- "'Today's Airbnbs are homes that are built for personal use that are somehow being adapted for occasional commercial use, but the next step is to rethink the home so that mixed-use is there from the get-go,' Sundararajan said."
School News

Assistant Dean of Executive Programs Roy Lee shares how the MS in Business Analytics program prepares its students to translate data into strategic impact for their organizations

Analytics Insight logo
Excerpt from Analytics Insight -- "'Our students gain a sense of confidence and credibility. Post-graduation, our students gain confidence by having technical capabilities to speak the language to understand how to work with data and become a translator of that information, or a disruptor of business thought and strategy in a positive and impactful way,' said Roy."
Faculty News

Professor Michael Pollack is profiled and explains how surviving a terror attack in Mumbai has influenced his life and work

New York Post logo
Excerpt from the The New York Post -- "'I really press my students in my entrepreneurship class to get over their fears and really do something,' says Pollack. 'In ethical philosophy, I tell them to contemplate owning their time and not living their parents’ dreams, but living their own.'"
Faculty News

In an interview, Professor Arun Sundararajan discusses the importance of Facebook establishing public trust

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "This is a point in time where [Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg] should be stepping up in front of the cameras, in front of the government regulators and reassuring them that Facebook is worthy of the public trust."
Faculty News

Professor David Yermack is interviewed about his joint research on nonprofits' investment returns

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "'You could have done better just by investing in Treasurys,' Prof. Yermack said in an interview, 'and that’s pretty sorry.'"
Research Center Events

Center for Sustainable Business Hosts Panel Discussion on Impact Investing in the Creative Economy

From left to right: Sophie Rifkin, Sam Marks, Laura Callanan, Ward Wolff, Anna-Marie Wascher and Brian Murray
On Wednesday, November 28, NYU Stern’s Center for Sustainable Business hosted a panel discussion entitled, “Impact Investing in the Creative Economy.”
Faculty News

In a Q&A interview, Professor Michael North shares advice for managers on how to foster a multigenerational work environment

deloitte blog logo
Excerpt from Deloitte blog-- "Social Psychology research teaches us that to reduce intergroup conflict, leaders need to focus on superordinate goals, such as the overarching shared goal you have as an organization. We need to switch the frame away from ‘old vs young’ or ‘senior vs junior’, to focusing on the shared business outcomes we are trying to achieve together."
Faculty News

Professor Kristen Sosulski shares the value of data visualization for executives and managers

WFN1 CEO Money Business Show logo
Excerpt from WFN1 CEO Money Business Show -- "I believe data visualization is a leadership skill for managers and executives. It's a way to create a culture within your business... a data-sharing culture."
Faculty News

Professor Dolly Chugh shares how to foster equity and inclusion, from her book, "The Person You Mean to Be"

WGN Radio Logo
Excerpt from WGN Radio -- "What I was trying to do with the book and trying to do for myself in my daily life is to hold up my best a reminder and to be and be a little unflinching in acknowledging the gaps. And as a social scientist those gaps are actually not a huge surprise. We know where they come from in the human mind, so once we see those gaps we can start doing the work of addressing them."
Faculty News

Professor Thomas Philippon's research on corporate investment is cited on a story on acquisitions of small tech companies

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from the The New York Times-- "The ability of large, cash-rich companies to buy smaller businesses before they have the chance to emerge as formidable competitors has altered the corporate landscape, said Thomas Philippon, a professor of economics at New York University, who has studied the increased dominance of large companies in many American industries. 'What would have happened to Instagram if Facebook hadn’t had bought them?' Mr. Philippon said. 'They would have competed with Facebook for sure.'"
Faculty News

Professor Petra Moser is quoted in a story on new research on innovation in the US

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from The Washington Post-- "Petra Moser, a New York University Stern School of Business economist, has long studied patents and innovation, most notably in a widely cited analysis of two 19th-century world’s fairs. Patents don’t capture every human advance, she said, but 'they’re our most complete record of innovation.'"
Faculty News

Professor Ari Ginsberg is quoted in a story on how Amazon's new headquarters in New York will benefit the city

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Excerpt from NBC News-- "Ginsberg noted that the city and state aren't cutting Amazon a check — they're giving the company a break on state and city taxes it will be paying, money they wouldn't be getting otherwise. The state and the city say even with the breaks, the deal will create $27.5 billion in tax revenue over the next 25 years — a 9-to-1 payout on the investment."