Victor Mullins Langone

Stern by the Numbers

2023-2024 Information*

Student Enrollment

Bachelor of Science: 2,867

Two-Year Full-time MBA: 629

Andre Koo Tech MBA: 51

Luxury & Retail MBA: 21

Langone Part-time MBA: 1,592

MS in Accounting: 102

Executive MBA - DC: 75

Executive MBA - NY: 226

TRIUM Global Executive MBA: 89

MS in Business Analytics: 43

MS in Global Finance: 33

MS in Fintech: 21

MS in Data Analytics & Business Computing: 20

MS in Marketing & Retail Science: 21

MS in Organization Management & Strategy: 24

MS in Quantitative Finance: 36

MS in Quantitative Economics: 17

Online MS in Quantitative Management: 110

PhD: 99


Total: 471

*Preliminary data as of October 2023
**Includes tenured, tenure-track, clinical, visiting, and adjunct faculty