Breakthrough Scholars Program
The Breakthrough Scholars Leadership Program is a four-year program that equips a select group of highly talented and high-performing recipients from diverse backgrounds with the skills and relationships needed to grow and excel at school and in their professional careers by attending the Stern Undergraduate College with a full scholarship.
Berkley Achievement Scholars Program
The Berkley Achievement Scholars Program enables a select group of talented students with financial need from across the United States and representing the full cross-section of the country to attend the Stern Undergraduate College tuition-free.
College and Career Lab
Stern is a founding member school of this NYU-wide initiative, directed by the provost’s office. CCL is a free, one-of-a-kind, intensive summer program designed to empower middle- and high-school students from New York City area schools to aspire to, prepare for, and achieve academic postsecondary, and career success. Stern has annually hosted the program’s 50 eighth-grade students.
Consortium for Graduate Study in Management
An alliance of American business schools and top corporations established to enhance diversity in business education and leadership by helping to reduce the serious underrepresentation of African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans in both the member schools' enrollment and the ranks of management.
Diverse Pathways in Academia
NYU Stern’s Diverse Pathways in Academia (DPA) invites doctoral candidates in their penultimate year or the year prior, in non-business doctoral programs, to participate in a unique program exploring academic careers in a business school setting.
Forte' Foundation
Forté Foundation is a consortium of top business schools and companies, dedicated to directing talented women toward leadership roles in business.
Fred Renwick Visiting Faculty Fellows Program
NYU Stern School of Business is pleased to invite applications for the Fred Renwick Visiting Faculty Fellows Program for the 2023-24 academic year. The program annually welcomes four visiting faculty fellows, two in the fall and two in the spring semester.
PhD Project
New York University is a University Partner of the PhD Project, a national organization which supports those in historically underrepresented groups in pursuing PhDs in business disciplines. Stern participates in events and programs throughout the year, including The PhD Project’s annual conference.
Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellows
The Provost’s Office created this initiative to attract and support top-notch scholars from diverse backgrounds who are ideally on track to join the faculties of the world’s leading universities, hosted at schools across NYU, including Stern. Postdoctoral fellows spend two years at Stern, during which they are mentored by and work with some of our leading faculty.
Tenure Project
Stern is a gold sponsor and active participant in The Tenure Project, which is a multi-school initiative aimed at increasing the number of tenured underrepresented (URM) faculty in US business schools. Modeled after The PhD Project, its strategy is to build community, support research, and create intentional spaces in which URM faculty will flourish.