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Office for Diversity and Inclusion | What is Diversity & Inclusion at Stern?

Stern Family

What's diversity and inclusion at Stern?

It’s about advancing our Stern values. While doing so, we want individual members of our community to thrive.  So we create the conditions where talent, in all its forms, can thrive. The execution is a bit more challenging; and we are ready for it.

What conditions enable talent to thrive?

At Stern, we believe in maximizing everyone's potential. When individuals feel a sense of belonging, accountability, and encounter fewer barriers, they perform at their best. Similarly, organizations thrive when they embrace diverse perspectives and talent, fostering active participation, genuine collaboration, and innovative problem-solving. Such environments lead to better decision-making, consistent innovation, and faster progress towards our goals. At Stern, we prioritize creating an inclusive atmosphere where everyone can contribute comfortably. Our aim is to enhance classroom discussions, empower employees, and equip students with the emotional intelligence needed to excel and be highly sought after by employers. Join us in breaking down barriers and unlocking our collective potential.

How can we cultivate a “no wall” environment?

Let's clarify what we're not doing: no piecemeal efforts, no comfort zones, and no leaving anyone behind. Instead, we're adopting an "ecosystem approach." This means embedding a culture of diversity and inclusion throughout every aspect of our organization, supporting everyone—students, staff, and faculty—in advancing both our mission and themselves. We'll measure and reward progress, ensuring that diversity and inclusion are integral to our entire system. With this approach, we'll envision our ideal future, assess where we are now, and plan cohesive actions to bridge the gap. This way, change isn't solely reliant on individuals' efforts but becomes inherent to our entire organization, addressing both individual and systemic biases.

How will you know when you are succeeding?

When change becomes more automatic and feels less threatening.  We will know we’ve made progress when D&I is no longer considered a stand alone “thing.” When it’s hard to point to “D&I activities” because they are embedded everywhere. 

NYU Stern Family