Community Building Committee (CBC)
We think broadly about ways to strengthen the Stern community and to foster a sense of unity, pride, and fun among faculty, staff and administrators across departments and bands.

CBC Autumn Pie Celebration
Join CBC for an Autumn Pie Celebration on Tuesday, October 15th from 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM in KMC M11-185 Abbe Bogen Faculty Lounge. All Stern faculty, administrators, and staff are welcome to attend.
There will be an Optional Pumpkin Carving/Decorating Contest. Participate as an individual or as a team. Pumpkins and pumpkin carving/decorating supplies can be reimbursed for up to $30 per pumpkin submission by submitting receipts in Concur using the CBC chartfield. Please bring your complete pumpkin
Please click here to confirm your RSVP.
Please click here if you plan to participate in the optional Pumpkin Carving/Decorating Contest.
Should you have any questions, please email cbc@stern.nyu.edu.
Thank you

A Special Thank You
CBC extends our heartfelt thanks to our faculty and staff who stopped by to make holiday cards for our community. Wishing you the happiest of holidays!

About Us
The Stern School is a community united by our shared interest in the mission of education, empowered to make a difference in business education and, in doing so, to change the world. We believe that community building at Stern falls under the office of Diversity & Inclusion’s strategic mission of creating the conditions where talent, in all its forms, can thrive. This committee can help serve the school’s mission by harnessing our unique people power.

Learn More
For more information or if you're interested in joining the CBC please contact cbc@stern.nyu.edu.