Call for Papers

41st Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference (2019)
Hosted by: NYU-Stern and University of Roma Tre - Department of Business Studies
Location: Department of Business Studies, University of Roma Tre, Rome, Italy
Conference Co-Chairs: Tülin Erdem and Russ Winer, NYU Stern
Alberto Pezzi, University of Roma Tre
Luca Petruzzellis, University of Bari Aldo Moro
Luca Petruzzellis, University of Bari Aldo Moro
Advisory Committee: Xinyu Cao, Masakazu Ishihara,
Xiao Liu, Raluca Ursu
Andrea Bonezzi (Behavioral Track Co-Chair)
Minah Jung (Behavioral Track Co-Chair)
The ISMS Marketing Science Conference is an annual event that brings together leading marketing scholars, practitioners, and policymakers with a shared interest in rigorous scientific research on marketing problems. Topics include but are not restricted to branding, segmentation, consumer choice, competition, strategy, advertising, pricing, product, innovation, distribution, retailing, social media, internet marketing, global marketing, marketing & society, big data, mobile targeting analytics, machine learning and algorithm, artificial intelligence, choice models, game theory, structural models, randomized control trials.
The ISMS Marketing Science Conference will also feature a dedicated BEHAVIORAL TRACK. The consumer behavior track will feature research in consumer psychology that sheds light on substantial marketing problems. This track will feature a diverse set of approaches and research methodologies that are relevant to the study of consumer psychology, including experimental research, survey research, or conceptual research.
The conference begins Thursday morning on June 20, 2019, and closes on Saturday afternoon, June 22, 2019. Multiple concurrent sessions are planned during the conference days. Parallel sessions run from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM on June 20th to June 22nd. Receptions or dinner will be held in the evening from 8 PM to about 11 PM. Breakfast on June 20th to 22th runs from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM in the lobby of the University of Roma Tre– Via Silvio D’Amicco 77.
Conference Hotels - see Hotel & Travel Information page
The ISMS Doctoral Consortium precedes the conference from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM on Wednesday, June 19, 2019. Details of the Conference are at . The chair of the Doctoral Consortium is Olivier Toubia, Columbia Business School. Detailed information on the consortium (timing, registration process, and lodging information) is available on the conference website. Although formal registration for the consortium will open on December 1, 2018, individuals interested in participating in the doctoral consortium should check the conference website for details.
Overview of Deadlines
December 1, 2018 Submissions open for paper abstracts and SpecialSession Proposals
December 1, 2018 Conference Registration opens (probably sooner)
February 08, 2019 Deadline for submitting Abstracts and Special
Session Proposals
March 08, 2019 Deadline for notification of acceptance of papers and
special sessions
March 22, 2019 Last date for presenter registration and Early
Registration Rate
April 01, 2019 Last date for Hotel Guaranteed Conference Rate
May 3, 2019 Online post of Presentation Schedule
June 19, 2019 ISMS Doctoral Consortium
June 20-22. 2019 40th Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference
Submissions will be accepted in one of two categories (1) Abstracts only; and (2) Special Session proposals.If you would like to submit to the Behavioral Track, please note “BEHAVIORAL TRACK SUBMISSION” in the first line of your abstract or special session proposal.
All abstracts should not exceed 1800 characters (about 250 words), and should clearly state the marketing relevance, keywords, contribution, authors, and presenting author. Keywords must be included to help organizers place the paper in appropriate sessions and tracks. An author may be the primary presenter for only a single paper during the entire conference. However, authors may co-author any number of other papers.
Submission deadline: February 8, 2019 (only one submission per presenter will be accepted).
Notification of acceptance: March 8, 2019
The author of an accepted abstract is required to register for the conference no later than March 22, 2019. This policy helps to limit the number of canceled papers and no-shows.
All abstracts must be submitted using the online submission system.
Regular Abstract Submissions
· Letters, numbers, and *math symbols accepted.· All abstracts must be in English.
· Do not include title or author information in the body of your abstract.
· Review you abstract and check for typographical and spelling errors, and scientific sense.
*Please note: Use only “text pad” when entering math symbols.
To submit your abstract at the conference website please click here:
-Select “Contributed/Posters (open invitation)”-And the Meeting: “Marketing 2019”
-Have your “INFORMS username” and “Password” ready if you are a member or have an INFORMS user profile.
-If you have never attended an INFORMS conference or do not have an INFORMS user profile, please select “New Customer” near the bottom of the page.
-Once you have logged, next to CONTRIBUTED PAPER; please select “Create New Contributed Paper,” and follow the directions from there.
If you would like to submit your abstract to the Behavioral Track, please, please note “BEHAVIORAL TRACK SUBMISSION” in the first line of your abstract.
Special Session Proposal Submissions
Participants are strongly encouraged to organize their own Special Sessions. This would enable a set of papers on a related topic to be readily presented in one session. If you would like to create a Special Session please email Ellen Tralongo ( and ask to be designated as a Session Chair.Ellen will assign you as a Session Chair and send further instructions on how to login and submit your proposal.
The proposal submission process will ask for:
- Session title
- Session category
- Statement summarizing the session’s theme
- Author contact information and abstracts for all presentations
Special session proposal submissions may be made NOW until, February 8, 2019. Session Chairs will be notified of acceptance by March 8, 2019. All presenting authors of an accepted special session proposal must register for the conference no later than March 22, 2019.
Your proposal, consisting of a Session Title & Chair and a statement summarizing session theme should be entered into the system. Once Special sessions have been uploaded and reviewed by the Marketing Science Committee notifications of acceptances will be sent out.
For questions about the program or technology problems, please reach out to:e-mail:;
telephone: 1-800-4INFORMS or 1-443-757-3500 ext. 592
Please be sure to spell your last name and leave your phone number and message very clearly.