Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty
Tenured & Tenure Track Faculty
Salvatore Affinito
Assistant Professor of Management and Organizations
sja9896@stern.nyu.edu | Tisch 723 | (212) 998-0652

Callen Anthony
Assistant Professor of Management and Organizations
ca85@stern.nyu.edu | Tisch 7-04 | (212) 998-0283

Steven Blader
Professor of Management and Organizations
Kenneth G. Langone Professor of Business
sb250@stern.nyu.edu | Tisch 7-05 | (212) 998-0431

Gino Cattani
Professor of Management and Organizations
gc59@stern.nyu.edu | Tisch 7-14 | (212) 998-0264

Dolly Chugh
Professor of Management and Organizations
Jacob B. Melnick Term Professor
Faculty Director, Leadership Accelerator
dc1393@stern.nyu.edu | KMC 7-55 | (212) 998-0250

Sinziana Dorobantu
Associate Professor of Management and Organizations
spd3@stern.nyu.edu | Tisch 7-07 | (212) 998-0724

J.P. Eggers
Professor of Management and Organizations
Peter Drucker Faculty Fellow
Interim Dean, NYU Stern
je44@stern.nyu.edu | Tisch 7-15 | (212) 998-0874

Christina Fang
Professor of Management and Organizations
chf3@stern.nyu.edu | KMC 7-62 | (212) 998-0241

Deepak Hegde
Professor of Management and Organizations
Founding Director, Endless Frontier Labs
Director, Berkley Center for Entrepreneurship
dh99@stern.nyu.edu | Tisch 7-22 | (212) 998-0674

Gavin Kilduff
Professor of Management and Organizations
gjk3@stern.nyu.edu | KMC 7-63 | (212) 998-0253

Lisa Leslie
Professor of Management and Organizations
PhD Program Coordinator
lml262@stern.nyu.edu | Tisch 7-17 | (212) 998-0455

Zhao Li
Assistant Professor of Management and Organizations
zl5471@stern.nyu.edu | KMC 7-56

Joe Magee
Professor of Management and Organizations
Mary Jacoby Faculty Fellow
Chair, Management and Organizations Department
jcm15@stern.nyu.edu | KMC 7-64 | (212) 998-0665

Frances Milliken
Professor of Management and Organizations
Arthur E. Imperatore Professorship in Entrepreneurial Studies
Co-Founder and Director, Stern School of Business Future of Work and Organizations Initiative (FOWO)
fjm1@stern.nyu.edu | KMC 7-60 | (212) 998-0227

Amisha Miller
Assistant Professor of Management and Organizations
am14005@stern.nyu.edu | Tisch Hall

Elizabeth Morrison
Professor of Management and Organizations
ITT Harold Geneen Professor in Creative Management
Vice Dean for Executive Programs
ewm1@stern.nyu.edu | KMC 7-61 | (212) 998-0230

Michael North
Associate Professor of Management and Organizations
msn252@stern.nyu.edu | Tisch 7-13 | (212) 998-0429

Nathan Pettit
Associate Professor of Management and Organizations
Founding Director, Leadership Accelerator
Vice Dean, MBA & Graduate Programs
ncp3@stern.nyu.edu | Tisch 702 | (212) 998-0569

L. Taylor Phillips
Associate Professor of Management and Organizations
tphillip@stern.nyu.edu | Tisch 7-04 | (212) 998-0416

Julianna Pillemer
Assistant Professor of Management and Organizations
jp3532@stern.nyu.edu | KMC 7-59 | (212) 998-0229

Joe Porac
Professor of Management and Organizations
George Daly Professor of Business Leadership
jfp5@stern.nyu.edu | Tisch 7-10 | (212) 998-0215
McKenzie Preston
Assistant Professor of Management and Organizations
mcp9949@stern.nyu.edu | KMC 7-54

Robert Salomon
Professor of International Management
NEC Faculty Fellow
Dean, Stern at NYU Abu Dhabi
rsalomon@stern.nyu.edu | Tisch Hall 7-11 | (212) 998-0223

Melissa Schilling
Professor of Management and Organizations
Herzog Family Professor of Management
Deputy Chair, Management and Organizations Department
mschilli@stern.nyu.edu | Tisch 7-16 | 212-998-0417

Robert Seamans
Professor of Management and Organizations
Director, Center for the Future of Management
Academic Director, Black in Business Program
rseamans@stern.nyu.edu | KMC 7-58 | 212-998-0417

Zur Shapira
William R. Berkley Professorship in Entrepreneurship
zshapira@stern.nyu.edu | Tisch 7-08 | 212-998-0225

Jungkyu Suh
Assistant Professor of Management and Organizations
js13220@stern.nyu.edu | Tisch 7-18 | 212-998-0076

Belén Villalonga
Professor of Management and Organizations
Yamaichi Faculty Fellow
bvillalo@stern.nyu.edu | Tisch 7-21 | 212-998-0247

Batia Wiesenfeld
Andre J.L. Koo Professor of Management
Director, Business and Society Program
bwiesenf@stern.nyu.edu | KMC 7-52 | 212-998-0765