Faculty Awards and Recognition
Our faculty and students are widely recognized for their excellence in research and teaching.
- Ashish Bhatia is named one of Poets & Quants Best Undergraduate Professors of 2022.
- Dolly Chugh is nominated for Next Big Idea Club.
- Deepak Hegde wins Academy of Management Innovation in Pedagogy Award, Entrepreneurship Division.
- Michael North is elected as fellow to the Society for Experimental Social Psychology (SESP).
- Melissa Schilling wins the Sumantra Ghoshal Award for Rigour and Relevance in the Study of Management.
- Deepak Hegde wins the NYU Stern School of Business Distinguished Teaching Award for Pedagogical Innovation.
- Melissa Schilling is honored as member of Thinkers50 Radar Class of 2022.
- Callen Anthony wins the Industry Studies Association's 2021 Emerging Scholar Award.
- Gino Cattani wins second place for EBS Best Paper Award.
- Lisa Leslie wins Sage Outstanding Scholarly Achievement Award at Academy of Management, Gender and Diversity in Organizations.
- Nate Pettit is named NYU Stern School of Business MBA Professor of the Year.
- Taylor Phillips wins the Association for Psychological Science Rising Star Early Career Award.
- Zur Shapira is inducted as Fellow of the Academy of Management.
- Dolly Chugh is recipient of the NYU 2019-2020 Distinguished Teaching Award.
- Sinziana Dorobantu is selected to the Executive Committee of the Strategy (STR) Division of the Academy of Management
- Lisa Leslie is recipient of the Scholarly Achievement Award sponsored by the Human Resources (HR) Division of the Academy of Management.
- Sonia Marciano is a finalist for the NYU Stern School of Business MBA Professor of the Year award 2019-2020.
- Michael North is named one of Poets & Quants Top 50 Undergraduate Professors of 2020.
- Nate Pettit is a finalist for the INGRoup Conference Best Paper Award.
- Taylor Phillips is named one of Poets & Quants Top 50 Undergraduate Professors of 2020.
- Dolly Chugh is a finalist for the NYU Stern School of Business MBA Professor of the Year award 2019-2020.
- Nate Pettit is listed in “MBA Professors to Look Out For” by BusinessBecause.
- Taylor Phillips is awarded an NTR-INGRoup grant for her project "Same Goal, Different Means? The Intragroup Dynamics of Intergroup Collective Action Coalitions."
- Callen Anthony is a finalist for the OMT Division Louis Pondy Award.
- Sinziana Dorobantu is a finalist for the Academy of Management STR Division Best Conference Paper Award.
- J.P. Eggers receives Strategic Management Society, Honorable Mention, Best Conference Paper for "Under Pressure."
- Lisa Leslie is inducted as fellow to the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
- Frances Milliken is inducted as Fellow of the Academy of Management.
- Nate Pettit is named NYU Stern School of Business MBA Professor of the Year.
- Joe Porac is awarded the ASQ 5-year impact award.
- Rob Salomon is awarded the Stillman School of Business at Seton Hall University "Bright Idea Award" for "Have you been served? Extending the relationship between corporate social responsibility and lawsuits."
- Robert Seamans gives keynote address on AI and Occupational Abilities, European Meeting on Applied Evolutionary Economics.
- Callen Anthony wins the Industry Studies Association Dissertation Award.
- Sinziana Dorobantu wins the Academy of Management STR Division Distinguished Paper Award.
- J.P. Eggers is nominated for Gomory Industry Studies Award for "Demand Heterogeneity in Platform Markets" by Organization Science.
- Lisa Leslie is named Edward J. Giblin Faculty Fellow at NYU Stern School of Business.
- Frances Milliken receives the Academy of Management Discoveries Best Reviewer Award.
- Rob Salomon wins Silver Medal for Outstanding Scholarship at AIB.
- Robert Seamans gives keynote address on AI and Occupational Abilities, Munich Summer Institute.
- Callen Anthony wins the Outstanding Reviewer Award at Organization Science.
- Sinziana Dorobantu is a finalist for the Academy of Management Carolyn B. Dexter Award.
- Rob Salomon wins Silver Medal for exceptional intellectual contributions to the field of International Business, sponsored by the Academy of Management.
- Sinziana Dorobantu wins the Ralph Gomory Best Industries Studies Paper Award.
- Rob Salomon is named Academy of Management IM Division Thought Leader.
- Sinziana Dorobantu wins Best Conference Paper Award, Academy of International Business 2019 Annual Meeting
- Callen Anthony wins the Industry Studies Association "Best Dissertation" Award.
- Dolly Chugh's The Person You Mean to Be is selected as a finalist for the Next Big Idea Club, curated by Malcolm Gladwell, Adam Grant, Susan Cain and Daniel Pink.
- Sinziana Dorobantu wins IM Division FIU Emerging Scholar Award.
- Deepak Hegde wins NYU Stern School of Business Faculty Leadership Award.
- Lisa Leslie wins HR Division Scholarly Achievement Award.
- Elizabeth Morrison wins NYU Stern School of Business Faculty Leadership Award
- Frances Milliken wins MOC Division 20 year service award.
- Rob Salomon is on the "Favorite Professors List" at Poets & Quants.
- Melissa Schilling is a finalist for the Strategic Management Society "Best Paper Prize" (with co-authors, Madeline King Kneeland and Barak Aharonson).
- Belen Villalonga wins Journal of Corporate Finance 25th Anniversary Award for the most influential and widely cited paper published in the journal since its founding, for the paper “Ownership structure and corporate performance.”
- Callen Anthony is a finalist for the OMT Division Louis Pondy Award.
- Dolly Chugh gives a Top 25 TED Talk.
- Frances Milliken wins Best Paper Finalist Award at Business & Society Journal.
- Melissa Schilling wins Leadership in Technology Management Award, PICMET