Xiaojing Meng

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Xiaojing Meng joined New York University Stern School of Business as an Assistant Professor of Accounting in July 2011.

Professor Meng's research interests include financial reporting, corporate governance and debt covenants. She is particularly interested in how different parties strategically communicate their information, and how accounting information is used in firms' and investors' decision-making processes. Her current work examines how analysts' reputational concerns affect their incentives to acquire information.

Baruch I. Lev

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Baruch Lev is the Philip Bardes Professor of Accounting and Finance at New York University Stern School of Business. In his current positions, Professor Lev teaches courses in accounting, financial analysis and investor relations.

Pepa Kraft

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Pepa Kraft joined New York University Stern School of Business as an Assistant Professor of Accounting in July 2010. She has taught a course entitled "Financial Statement Analysis" in the M.B.A. program and is now teaching "Principles of Financial Accounting" in the undergraduate program.

Professor Kraft's research focuses on credit markets, credit rating agencies, off-balance sheet financing, debt contracting, and disclosure issues in financial reporting related to debt.

Ilan Guttman

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Ilan Guttman joined New York University Stern School of Business in July 2013 as an Associate Professor of Accounting. Professor Guttman teaches courses at the graduate and doctoral levels.

Dhananjay Gode

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Dan Gode is a Clinical Associate Professor of Accounting at New York University Stern School of Business. Professor Gode teaches courses in corporate financial accounting.

Professor Gode has been with NYU Stern since 1998. He was voted as the "Professor of the Year" in 2002. His primary research areas include financial analysis, legal liability of firms, valuation, managerial accounting, and performance measurement. Professor Gode has been published in theQuarterly Journal of Economics and the Journal of Political Economy.

Fabrizio Ferri

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Fabrizio Ferri joined New York University Stern School of Business as a Visiting Assistant Professor of Accounting, Taxation and Business Law in September 2009.

Prior to joining NYU Stern, Professor Ferri was an Assistant Professor at the Harvard Business School in the accounting and management unit, where he taught the first-year M.B.A. course "Financial Reporting and Control." Prior to that, he worked at Stern Stewart & Co., in the Economic Value Added Group, advising firms on performance measurement and incentive compensation issues.

Yiwei Dou

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Yiwei Dou joined New York University Stern School of Business as an Assistant Professor of Accounting in July 2012.

Professor Dou's research interests relate to financial reporting quality, debt contracting and real effects of accounting. His current work explores the impact of the debt-contracting value of borrowers' accounting information on the likelihood of private debt renegotiation, as well as the implication of renegotiation for borrowing firms' investment efficiency.

Christine Cuny

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Christine Cuny joined New York University Stern School of Business as an Assistant Professor of Accounting in July 2013.

Professor Cuny studies financial disclosure incentives. Her recent work looks at the effect of risk on disclosure and the consequences of technological innovation in the dissemination of information in the municipal bond market.

Kashi R. Balachandran

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Bala K. R. Balachandran is a professor of accounting and operations management at New York University Stern School of Business. He teaches courses in management accounting, management control systems and financial accounting.
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