Ron Shalev


Ron Shalev joined New York University Stern School of Business as an Assistant Professor of Accounting, Taxation and Business Law in September 2012, after being a Visiting Assistant Professor of Accounting during the 2011-12 academic year.

Professor Shalev's research interests include the causes and effects of mergers and acquisitions, intangible assets, and the effect of performance measures in compensation contracts on managerial discretion and accounting choices.

Prior to joining NYU Stern, Professor Shalev was an Assistant Professor in the Accounting department of Olin Business School at Washington University in St Louis. Previously, he held a number of executive positions; the most recent were chief financial officer of Goldnet Communications and chief executive officer of CreditGuard, both in Tel Aviv, Israel.

Professor Shalev received an L.L.B. in Law and an M.A. in Economics from The Hebrew University, an I.E.M.B.A. from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University and a Ph.D. in Accounting from Columbia University.

Research Interests

Causes and effects of mergers and acquisitions
Performance measures in compensation contracts
Intangible assets

Academic Background

Ph.D., Accounting, 2007
Columbia University

I.E.M.B.A., 2002
Northwestern University

M.A., Economics, 1997
The Hebrew University

L.L.B., Law, 1995
The Hebrew University

Selected Publications

"CEO Compensation and Fair Value Accounting: Evidence from Purchase Price Allocation" (With Ivy Zhang and Yong Zhang), forthcoming, Journal of Accounting Research.

"The Information Content of Business Combination Disclosure Level", The Accounting Review, January 2009, 84(1): 239-270