Nick Capowski, MSRM ‘14

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What especially impressed Nick about Stern’s Master’s in Risk Management program was the exceptionally high caliber of his cohort.  “Some of the greatest insights I took away from the classroom came from the many great questions and views from the rest of the class that I hadn't considered,” he says.  “I believe I learned equally as much from them as I did the professors.”

Annbeth Eschbach, MBA '90

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When Annbeth Eschbach set out to revolutionize the spa and fitness industry, she turned to NYU Stern. With the help of her MBA degree, she explains, “I was able to birth not only a new brand and company, but a business that is directly in the path of progress.” Prior to enrolling at Stern, Eschbach, founder and CEO of Exhale Enterprises, Inc., worked for a high-end athletic club and spa conglomerate operating more than 50 spas and athletic clubs in different markets with different names, sizes, programs, and positioning.

Robin Harris, BS '98

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For Robin Harris, Managing Director at Morgan Stanley, the path to an undergraduate degree from NYU Stern was far from conventional. The eldest of eight children, his life changed dramatically, when at age 15, his family moved from New York City to Alabama, and again when his stepfather passed away during his freshman year of college.

Monica Isaar, BS '96, MBA '03

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“Global resources delivered locally” is how New York native Monica Issar describes the educational experience that NYU Stern imparts to its students, and it is one of the principal reasons she selected the School for her undergraduate and MBA studies. Stern enabled Issar to acquire a global perspective through both her coursework and the diversity of the students surrounding her, a perspective that she brings to her position as Managing Director and head of the JP Morgan Asset Management and Foundations Group.

Brittany Laughlin, BS ’07

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As the child of a military family, Brittany Laughlin was raised largely in North Carolina but saw enough of the world to know that she wanted a big-city environment for her college experience. With a passion for the arts, NYU’s Tisch was a huge draw, but a convincing speech by then-NYU Stern Undergraduate College Dean Frederick Choi to a group of accepted high school seniors solidified her decision to come to New York to study both business and film.

Timothy Moe, WSC '79, MBA '84

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As the son of a senior official of the United Nations, Timothy Moe had a truly global upbringing: born in the Middle East, he traveled extensively during his youth and graduated from the UN International School in New York City. After receiving his undergraduate degree from NYU, where he studied art history and economics, Moe spent time training in martial arts in Brazil.

Josh Boaz, BS '04

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Josh Boaz’s digital marketing agency, Direct Agents, is celebrating its 10th anniversary. While the milestone is a measure of success for any small business, what may be more remarkable is that Boaz founded the company while he was still an undergraduate at NYU Stern. 

Edward Gilligan, BS '82

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Edward Gilligan, President of American Express, can trace his long and successful tenure at the financial services company to one fateful moment during his days as an undergraduate at NYU Stern: when he spied an American Express posting on a campus job board. He applied to and landed the two-week assignment. Those two weeks led to a six-month temporary job, then to a part-time job, and finally to a fulltime position upon graduation.
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