Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan shares his thoughts on Walmart's strategic approach to public policy issues

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- “'My impression is that this is a company that does seem to care beyond the bottom line,' said Arun Sundararajan, a professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business. 'But you also have to keep in mind, it is still a highly efficient competitor.'”
School News

Data for the Sustainable Market Share Index™, research by the Center for Sustainable Business and IRI, is spotlighted

Excerpt from Green Biz -- "Consumers today are putting their money where their mouths are. NYU Stern’s Center for Sustainable Business did in-depth research into U.S. consumers’ actual purchasing from 2013 to 2018 and found that a full 50 percent of the growth in consumer-packaged goods came from sustainability-marketed products."
Research Center Events

Fireside Chat with Mary C. Daly

NYU flags outside of the Henry Kaufman Management Center
On Monday, November 4, NYU Stern's Center for Global Economy and Business will host a fireside chat with Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco President Mary Daly. Professor Kim Schoenholtz, Director of the Center, will lead the conversation.
Faculty News

Professor and Vice Dean of MBA Programs JP Eggers offers his perspective on new research that finds analysts tend to significantly underestimate the earnings potential of companies run by humble chief executive officers

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "Still, there are lessons to be drawn from the study, says J.P. Eggers, an associate professor of management and organizations at New York University’s Stern School of Business and an editor of Strategic Management Journal."
Faculty News

Professor Michael Posner argues that the threat of regulation is needed to address widespread disinformation on social media

The Irish Times logo
Excerpt from The Irish Times -- "Michael Posner, who served in Barack Obama’s government between 2009 and 2013, said it was “incumbent” on Cabinet Ministers in Dublin to ratchet up pressure on the big internet companies based in the capital over fake news and false information."
Faculty News

In a video interview, Professor Michelle Greenwald shares her thoughts on Popeyes' viral chicken sandwich

Fortune logo
Excerpt from Fortune -- "There's something called concept testing where you test the idea, and then product testing where you test does it live up to the concept. In this case it met or exceeded people's expectations, which were pretty high. But if their suppliers were capacity constrained they should have had a back up plan in case they exceeded expectations."
Faculty News

In an in-depth Q&A interview, Professor Edward Altman discusses his Z-score model for predicting the probability of corporate bankruptcies, including more recently developed models and their applications

Excerpt from Investments and Wealth -- "An internationally recognized expert on corporate bankruptcy, high yield bonds, distressed debt, and credit risk analysis, Altman has won multiple awards for his research and has served as an advisor to numerous government agen-cies and foreign central banks. His primary areas of research include bankruptcy analysis and prediction, credit and lending policies, and risk management and regulation in banking, corporate finance, and capital markets."
Faculty News

Professor Susan Stehlik comments on the usefulness of personality tests in the workplace

BBC News logo
Excerpt from BBC -- "Susan Stehlik, director of New York University’s management communication programme, says she’s used personality tests in her classes and executive education courses. She likes to think of them as'“great conversation starters” for “conversations that maybe you’re not comfortable having.'"
Faculty News

Professor Anindya Ghose shares his perspective on the sale of Indian e-commerce firm Shopclues

Excerpt from Quartz India -- "The Shopclues sale, in comparison, reportedly came at a throwaway price: between $50 million and $80 million, according to TechCrunch. That’s just over 7% of the company’s peak valuation of $1.1 billion around three years ago. This valuation meltdown for Shopclues is 'one of the biggest in India’s startup history,' according to Anindya Ghose, a professor of technology, operations, and statistics at New York University’s (NYU) Stern School."
Faculty News

Professor Nathan Pettit's new research on status momentum is mentioned

Excerpt from Cosmos -- "There was no better example than in tennis, the researchers say. They found that players committed more double faults when facing an opponent with status momentum. Kakkar and colleagues Niro Sivanathan, from the London Business School, and Nathan Pettit, from New York University, were certainly comprehensive in their endeavours."
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway argues that Lyft's new standardized protocol for determining whether to ban drivers who may pose a safety threat to passengers is an effort to reduce costs and abdicate responsibility

Excerpt from The Seattle Times -- “'Removing human nuance around something as sensitive around which drivers are barred or disbarred . . . is an effort to reduce costs and to abdicate responsibility,' said Scott Galloway, a professor of marketing at New York University’s Stern School of Business who has focused on the technology industry."
Faculty News

Professor Amy Webb discusses the potential wide-ranging impacts of splintering of the online world

Popular Mechanics logo
Excerpt from Popular Mechanics -- "The bigger worry is a sharp splintering of the online world, says Amy Webb, founder of the Future Today Institute and a professor of strategic foresight at New York University’s Stern School of Business."
Faculty News

Professor Andrea Bonezzi's joint research on consumers’ receptivity to medical AI is spotlighted

Harvard Business Review logo
Excerpt from Harvard Business Review -- "We explored patients’ receptivity to medical AI in a series of experiments conducted with our colleague Andrea Bonezzi of New York University. The results, reported in a paper forthcoming in the Journal of Consumer Research, showed a strong reluctance across procedures ranging from a skin cancer screening to pacemaker implant surgery. We found that when health care was provided by AI rather than by a human care provider, patients were less likely to utilize the service and wanted to pay less for it. "
Faculty News

Professor Steven Blader shares advice for how managers can effectively approach one-on-one meetings with their employees

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Excerpt from Thrive Global -- "For a working relationship to be most effective, it needs to be built on trust — and a great way to build trust is to show your direct reports that you are reliable, and will prioritize your one-on-ones. In fact, 'consistency and regularity are probably more important than the actual frequency” of the meetings', Blader says."
Faculty News

Professor Edward Altman's Z-Score research is highlighted

Quartz logo
Excerpt from Quartz -- "Edward Altman, in 1968, introduced the Altman Z-Score as part of a scholarly article published in the Journal of Finance. Altman, currently professor emeritus of finance at New York University’s Stern School of Business, analysed companies based on five financial ratios."
Faculty News

Professor Bryan Bollinger's research on the impact of reusable bags on grocery shopping habits is featured

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Excerpt from Ensia -- "Not only that, but a recent study by University of California, San Diego, neuroeconomist Uma Karmarkar and New York University associate professor of marketing Bryan Bollinger looking at consumption habits among people who brought reusable bags for grocery shopping found that making a moral or 'good” decision in one domain appeared to give people license to make more indulgent decisions in another.'"
Business and Policy Leader Events

NYU Stern's "In Conversation with Lord Mervyn King" Series Presents Indra Nooyi

Lord Mervyn King and Indra Nooyi
NYU Stern's "In Conversation with Lord Mervyn King" series hosted Indra Nooyi, former chairman and CEO, PepsiCo, and Board of Directors, Amazon this fall.
Faculty News

Professor Karen Brenner offers thoughts on how companies can effectively respond to whistle-blowers' complaints

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Excerpt from Agenda -- “'The president is seeking to be punitive to the whistle-blower, and that would be absolutely inappropriate in the corporate setting,' says Karen Brenner, a veteran board director and executive director of law and business at New York University’s school of business. 'It’s my understanding that there’s a strong anti-retaliation protection in government, but right now it’s not being respected.'"
Faculty News

A joint statement, co-authored by Professor Michael Spence and more than 30 economists, addressing the US-China trade war is cited

The Business Times logo
Excerpt from The Business Times -- "Prominent economists from China and the US including Joseph Stiglitz, Michael Spence, and three other Nobel winners say that the two largest economies should abandon trade issues and instead agree to form a new path for more latitude for both countries."
School News

Entrepreneur and recent graduate Lia Winograd (MBA '19), Co-founder of Pepper, is profiled as part of a P&Q trend story highlighting the most disruptive MBA startups of 2019

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "In theory, you could claim that starting a venture might distract students, taking time away from their studies, extracurricular activities, and networking. Certainly, Lia Winograd made tradeoffs while building Pepper at New York University. At the same time, she counters, she had access to a wealth of resources, and faculty advice – while being able to apply what she learned in real time. In other words, business school served as a safety net that kept the pressure at bay. Even more, she leveraged her alumni connections to amass early seed funding."
Research Center Events

Roundtable on Current Expected Credit Losses (CECL): Transparency or Opacity? Implementation and Effects on Lending and Pro-Cyclicality

Joshua Ronen speaks to roundtable attendees
NYU Stern's Vincent C. Ross Institute of Accounting Research and the Salomon Center for the Study of Financial Institutions hosted a roundtable discussion this fall, convening academics, banking and accounting industry professionals, policy-makers and regulators, to debate key issues related to the Current Expected Credit Losses (CECL) standard, its implementation and its effects on lending and pro-cyclicality.
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran shares his thoughts on how the 2019 IPO market will affect companies contemplating a move to go public

Fortune logo
Excerpt from Fortune -- "Aswath Damodaran, the so-called dean of valuation and professor of finance at NYU’s Stern School of Business, says pricing depends on mood and momentum—and this year, 'the momentum shifted.'”
Faculty News

Professor Simon Bowmaker's new book, "When the President Calls: Conversations with Economic Policymakers," is spotlighted

Excerpt from Association of MBAs -- "In this excerpt from When the President Calls: Conversations with Economic Policymakers, Summers talks to the book’s author, Simon Bowmaker, about contrasting leadership styles."
Faculty News

During an in-depth podcast interview, sharing examples of a meaningful person, place and thing, Professor Tensie Whelan illustrates the competitive advantage for companies that embrace sustainable business practices

Excerpt from Person Place Thing -- "For me it's that connection between civil society and business which is what I do today that creates this opportunity for innovation and creation and actually tackling these challenges together. But you always need, in every single company, one person who will stand up and believe and try it."