School News

Director of MBA Admissions Holly Curtis highlights the demand among prospective students for Stern's Andre Koo Tech MBA program, noting that 50 percent of the 2020 cohort is composed of women

find MBA logo
Excerpt from FindMBA -- "Holly Curtis, director of MBA admissions at Stern, says: 'We see a clear demand for the program. Prospective students are excited about refining their skills and strategic thinking in both business and tech. We welcomed our second class to campus in May. We’re proud the cohort is 50 percent female.'”
School News

Stern alumna Lola Alarcon Tomas (MSBA '17) is quoted in a trend story highlighting the School's Master of Science in Business Analytics as one of the top programs embracing the role of data in a competitive business landscape

Excerpt from SI News -- "'The programme was overall above expectations…I met some of the brightest people that I’ve met in my career. We were more collaborative than competitive and I learned to approach problems from different angles. Data science for business opened a world to me and other subjects gave that wow factor to techniques that we should be applying for problem-solving,' says MSBA graduate, Lola Alarcon Tomas."
Press Releases

DHL Global Connectedness Index: Globalization Holding Up Under Pressure

Cover of "DHL Global Connectedness Index"
DHL and NYU Stern School of Business today released the 2019 update of the DHL Global Connectedness Index (GCI), which highlights key developments in international flows of capital, trade, information, and people.
Faculty News

Joint research on two-sided matching platforms by Professor Hanna Halaburda is cited

BBC News logo
Excerpt from BBC -- "Management Science published a study on online dating in 2017 which highlighted the paradox of choice, noting that increasing the number of potential matches has a positive effect due to larger choice, but also a negative effect due to competition between agents on the same side.'"
Faculty News

Professor Allen Adamson is quoted in a story examining the surge in online sales on Small Business Saturday

Excerpt from E-Commerce Times -- "'The last straw that smaller retailers were holding onto was their ability to offer a more personal and special in-store experience versus the larger retailers,' he told the E-Commerce Times. 'Now that even American Express can't get consumers off their couch for Small Business Saturdays, they have to go head-to-head against Amazon online, where competing on price and delivery speed is a non-starter.'"
Faculty News

Professor Edward Altman warns that the magnitude of the next spike in default rates will be severe

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Excerpt from Fortune -- “'The magnitude of the next spike in default rates, whenever it occurs, will be severe,' said Edward Altman, professor emeritus at New York University’s Stern School of Business and director of the Credit and Fixed Income Research Program at the NYU Salomon Center. The pain will last longer than is typical, he believes, and more money will be lost than normal through defaults."
Faculty News

In an in-depth interview, Professor Ari Ginsberg discusses different approaches to innovation and how companies can create a more risk-tolerant corporate culture

Excerpt from Innovation Leader -- "When Ari Ginsberg discusses the business ecosystem, it can sound like he’s narrating an episode of the nature show Planet Earth. Ginsberg, a Professor of Entrepreneurship and Management at New York University’s Stern School of Business, talks about young startups as field mice —tiny players in the ecosystem.
Faculty News

In a story profiling smart warehouse company Ohi, Professor Andrew Breen offers insights on e-commerce, delivery and logistics for small companies

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters TV -- "'We know from Amazon it takes a tremendous amount of investment to actually get there. In addition, Amazon has a massive amount of logistics infrastructure knowing how to distribute to warehouses. If you have many, many small warehouses, how do you actually deal with that in logistics aspect? Just to put in some scale to it, Amazon in a decade went from a $1 billion in shipping to $60 billion and Q4 alone it's estimated that they are going to spend $1.5 billion just on same day delivery under Prime.'"
School News

Stern's Master of Science in Accounting program is recognized as the best program of its kind in New York

Metro MBA logo
Excerpt from MetroMBA -- "If you want to work in the financial district of New York City, there are two schools you should consider. For accountants, NYU Stern has a one-year, 30-credit program regarded as the best Master’s in Accounting in New York."
Faculty News

Professor Paul Hardart offers his perspective on Netflix's recent purchase of the Paris Theatre cinema in New York City

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Excerpt from WIRED UK -- "The cinema chains will likely claim that Netflix’s decision to buy the lease to the Paris Theatre has been done in response to the fraught relationship the streaming giant has had with the major cinema chains. But they could go further. 'To me, it's a pretty smart move,' says Paul Hardart, director of entertainment, media and technology at New York University Stern School of Business. 'For a long time, they were just saying, we want people to watch it, wherever they want to watch it, how they want to watch it – in their homes.'”
School News

Center for Business and Human Rights Deputy Director Paul Barrett cautions that there is likely to be a high volume of disinformation tied to the 2020 election

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Excerpt from Politico -- “'It’s likely that there will be a high volume of misinformation and disinformation pegged to the 2020 election, with the majority of it being generated right here in the United States, as opposed to coming from overseas,' said Paul Barrett, deputy director of New York University’s Stern Center for Business and Human Rights."
Faculty News

Professor Vasant Dhar weighs in on the ethics of using real-time cellphone data in disease tracking and public health efforts

Fast Company logo
Excerpt from Fast Company -- "Vasant Dhar, an artificial intelligence researcher and professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business, says some countries are working on systems that could more easily free up data for such projects. A data protection bill on the table in India would create an app where people can collect and view their data, for instance. It would also appoint a “data fiduciary” to each account, someone who would act as a gatekeeper to a person’s data."
Faculty News

Professor Simon Bowmaker's new book, "When the President Calls," is spotlighted

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Excerpt from Forbes -- "The book, When the President Calls: Conversations With Economic Policymakers, by NYU professor Simon Bowmaker, sheds new light on the inner workings of how things get done in the executive branch. It involved extensive interviews with dozens of past economic bigwigs, including Alan Greenspan, Paul Volcker, Austan Goolsbee, Janet Yellen, Robert Rubin, and Hank Paulson. "
Faculty News

Professor Robert Engle's comments on the impact of undercapitalization on Indian financial institutions are highlighted

Bloomberg Quint logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg Quint -- "Systemic risk across India‘s financial institutions has remained range bound despite recent attempts to improve the level of capitalisation across the country’s state-owned banks, according to Nobel Laureate Robert Engle."
Faculty News

Professor Sonia Marciano offers her perspective on the intrinsic value of diamonds

Vox Media Logo
Excerpt from Vox -- "'I think the value of a diamond is zero. It's entirely the value you have, in regards to the person who gave it to you.'"
Faculty News

Professor Tom Meyvis shares insights on what entrepreneurs can learn from Elon Musk’s marketing strategy around Tesla's newly announced Cybertruck

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Excerpt from Business Insider -- "Meyvis said the preorder program was a time-worn marketing strategy known as the 'foot-in-the-door' technique.'You get people to make a small commitment, and then they're more likely to make a big commitment later on,' he said. Meyvis agreed with the idea that the psychology here is comparable to a Kickstarter campaign, which has helped many innovative brands generate interest in their product concepts."
Faculty News

Joint research on the transmission of central bank liquidity to bank deposits and loan spreads in Europe by Professor Viral Acharya is mentioned

Brookings Institution blog logo
Excerpt from Brookings Institute Blog -- "Using corporate deposit and loan transaction data for European banks from January 2006 to June 2010, Viral Acharya of NYU Stern School of Business and coauthors find that the European Central Bank’s increase in liquidity provision beginning in October 2008 lowered deposit spreads for both high-risk and low-risk banks, but reduced loan spreads only for low-risk banks."
Faculty News

Professor Tom Meyvis shares thoughts on the increased popularity of purchasing items secondhand

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Excerpt from CNBC -- "Even if they are giving them as gifts, buying secondhand allows people to get their hands on items they would otherwise feel guilty purchasing, such as designer clothes or something that isn’t necessarily useful to them, said Tom Meyvis, a professor of marketing at New York University’s Stern School of Business."
Faculty News

Professor Allen Adamson shares his thoughts on the future of Party City following its recent earnings report

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- “'The issue is not whether they can survive tomorrow,' said Allen Adamson, co-founder of marketing consulting company Metaforce. 'But whether they will thrive the day after tomorrow.'"
Faculty News

Research from Professor Pankaj Ghemawat on cross-border strategies is referenced

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Excerpt from Livemint -- "Research by New York University professor Pankaj Ghemawat shows that differences between countries—be it geographic, cultural, administrative or economic—matter to a company’s performance in different regions in significant, predictable ways. The greater the distance, the relatively weaker the subsidiary’s performance, showed the research, citing Walmart Inc.’s performance in different countries."
School News

As part of a "Professor Profile" series, Professor Jeffrey Carr is spotlighted

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Excerpt from mbaMission -- "Having taught at Stern for more than a decade as an adjunct associate professor (and earning the 1996 Stern/Citibank Teacher of the Year Award), Jeffrey Carr joined Stern’s full-time faculty in 2007 and is now a clinical professor of marketing and entrepreneurship. Carr also serves as director of the NYU Stern Fashion and Luxury Lab, which was launched in 2017."
School News

In an in-depth podcast interview, Executive Director of MBA Admissions Rabia Ahmed highlights innovation at Stern, including the full-time MBA program’s new Change:Studio

Excerpt from --"We want students to leave with preparation for the future. When thinking about how quickly things are changing – technology, how people work – we think about how we prepare students to embrace that change. Change: Studio brings together leadership, experiential learning, and entrepreneurship in co-curricular programming to provide a structure with which to drive change in an organization. The curriculum overall is called Dare It, Dream It, Drive It. Dare It is focused on leadership, Dream It on experiential learning, and Drive It on starting something new. Everyone goes through the beginning stages of Change:Studio with orientation in the leadership simulation and then they can opt into the Change:Studio program."

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Faculty News

Professor Lawrence White weighs in how federal regulators will approach Charles Schwab's recent acquisition of TD Ameritrade

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Excerpt from MarketWatch -- "Professor Lawrence White, who teaches on antitrust matters at the New York University Stern School of Business, doubted much more cross selling would occur because companies like Schwab and TD Ameritrade already had strong incentives to do that now."
Faculty News

Professor Robert Engle's comments on the impact of undercapitalization on Indian financial institutions are spotlighted

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Excerpt from Business Standard -- "Noble-prize winning economist Robert Engle said that a number Indian financial institutions may require significant additional capital in the event of a financial shock. The majority of financial institutions that show such signs of the need for additional capital were state-owned banks, he said in a talk in Mumbai on Tuesday."
Faculty News

Professor Anindya Ghose weighs in on the growing business potential of India’s digital payments space

Excerpt from Quartz India -- "Everyone’s in it for the long-haul as 'millions of users in small towns and smaller cities are getting online for the first time, propelled by cheap smartphones,' Anindya Ghose, professor of technology, operations, and statistics at New York University’s (NYU) Stern School, told Quartz. 'All this makes it very attractive for large players, both global and local, to battle it out in the space. And there is imminent competition from newer entrants like Facebook, Google, and PhonePe.'”