Faculty News

Professor Michael North weighs in on the generational divides seen in the news over the past year

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Excerpt from The Washington Post -- “'Age-based prejudice is the last acceptable form of prejudice,' says New York University’s Michael North, who studies ageism in the workplace. 'People are making age-based generalizations and stereotypes that you wouldn’t be able to get away with about race or background. Insert some sort of racial or ethnic group, or ‘OK Woman,’ and it wouldn’t go over too well.'”
Faculty News

Professor Simon Bowmaker’s new book, "When the President Calls," is spotlighted

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Excerpt from Forbes -- "The main problem with economists, Volcker said, was their inability to make accurate forecasts, according to an interview he gave to Simon Bowmaker, author of the recently published book, 'When the President Calls: Conversations With Economic Policymakers.'"
Faculty News

Professor Tom Meyvis shares his thoughts about how independent bookstores can compete with Amazon

Excerpt from Milwaukee Journal Sentinel -- “'The way to get people to go to stores is to give them an experience, something they can’t get online,' said Tom Meyvis, a marketing professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business whose work focuses on consumer behavior. 'People want to spend some time browsing in stores and with books, this is one of the more agreeable shopping experiences.'"
School News

Stern's Undergraduate College is recognized for providing students with high earning potential after graduation as well as for its leadership in preparing students with high-quality international experience

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Excerpt from Poets & Quants - "New York University’s Stern School of Business continued its three-year rise in the rankings."
Faculty News

Professor Tom Meyvis explains how independent booksellers are adapting to business in the age of Amazon

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Excerpt from ABC News -- “'The way to get people to go to stores is to give them an experience, something they can’t get online,' says Tom Meyvis, a marketing professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business whose work focuses on consumer behavior. 'People want to spend some time browsing in stores and with books, this is one of the more agreeable shopping experiences.'"
Faculty News

Professor Alixandra Barasch's research about social media's impact on the enjoyment of experiences is referenced.

Excerpt from PBS' The Art Assignment -- "One of the co-authors of the study, Alixandra Barasch, suggests you might take pictures, but wait until after the experience to share them."
Faculty News

Professor Menachem Brenner notes that "risk-sharing" may be an answer to minimizing longevity risks associated with the aging global population

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Excerpt from CGTN -- "'We are dealing with how to deal with uncertainty around that trend, which is growing as life expectancy grows,' said Brenner, who clarified that his study focuses on the risks, rather than dealing with the trends, which world governments already are looking into."
Faculty News

In a live interview, Professor Arun Sundararajan asserts that Airbnb should have the highest valuation among sharing economy platforms

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Excerpt from CNBC -- "'Although this was a win for them, the next few years are going to bring new regulations that explore these boundaries between platforms and traditional companies and that frame new regulations for the platforms, so it's really important for AirBnB to maintain the public trust and maintain good relationships with all of the member states even though this is a huge regulatory win for them.'"
Faculty News

Professor Baruch Lev's joint research on the demise of value investing is cited

Excerpt from Monkey Marketing -- "According to a recent study by academics from the Stern Business School and University of Calgary, the average large American growth company spends $1bn a year on research and development alone."
Faculty News

In a podcast interview, Professor Nicholas Economides comments on why the Greek government is encouraging a shift away from cash and towards electronic payments that can be more easily monitored for tax purposes

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Excerpt from BBC Business Daily Podcast -- "There is a lot of tax evasion in Greece - I would say it might be as high as 30% of national income - so it's very important for the government to reduce the use of cash because the non-reported transactions are happening in cash."
Faculty News

Professor Adam Alter's comments on the humanization of brands are cited

Excerpt from Decider -- "The changes to interfacing with brands rippled throughout the larger commercial ecosystem. As NYU marketing and psychology professor Adam Alter put it, consumers have 'come to expect small doses of humanity from even large brands that may have once seemed faceless and corporate before the rise of social media.'”
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran's comments on the market effects of IPO lockups are referenced

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Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Those pushing for more direct listings disagree. Forcing early investors and insiders to wait six months before selling their shares could actually add confusion to the market, New York University professor Aswath Damodaran said in an interview. 'If it does matter what insiders think enough about the stock to hold it, waiting six months to find out is more dangerous than finding out right away,' he said in an interview. 'I think the effects of lockups are vastly overstated.'"
Faculty News

In a podcast interview, Professor Thomai Serdari provides perspective into the different views of multi-level marketing brands in the beauty industry.

Excerpt from Fat Mascara Podcast -- "L'oreal or Estée Lauder or any other big company are very careful. They follow all the rules and FTA's rules and have a house lawyer specifically to check the marketing copy or any kind of communication message that goes out because it has to be backed up. In MLM companies, the only regulations are self-regulations."
Faculty News

In an in-depth feature, Professor Robert Engle shares advice for how investors can protect their assets against the effects of climate change

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Excerpt from Financial Review -- "Nobel laureate Robert Engle has some advice for investors who are concerned about climate change wiping out the value of their assets, but are wary of anaemic returns on "ethical" funds: read the news."
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway asserts that Amazon's move to prohibit third-party sellers from using FedEx to ship products constitutes monopoly abuse

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Excerpt from Barron's -- “'It’s monopoly abuse,' NYU professor Scott Galloway tells Barron’s. 'No different than, in [the] 90s, Microsoft [MSFT] telling computer hardware manufacturers they had to bundle internet Explorer.'”
Faculty News

Professor Priya Raghubir shares her thoughts on Som's elevated packaging and expression and why brands are embracing redesigns for older products

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Excerpt from Eater -- "Ricker and Distill spent a few months honing the redesign, with help from Portland firm Murmur Creative. Priya Raghubir, a professor of marketing at NYU’s Stern School of Business, says the redesign hits all the marks to make it no-proof staple (in addition to fooling bartenders into pouring out bigger pours — thanks, elongation effect!)."
Faculty News

Professor Allen Adamson is quoted in a story exploring the future of experiential hospitality heading in 2020

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Excerpt from Marketing Dive -- "'People tend to share things they experience that are out of the ordinary, and so it's no surprise that if you're staying in an Oscar Mayer mobile hot dog, you're going to post that to your friends 24/7,' said Allen Adamson, an adjunct professor of marketing and branding at NYU Stern School of Business. 'On the flip side, a lot of the hospitality brands are struggling to differentiate from each other. You can't do that with better shampoo or a bigger TV set.'"
Faculty News

"Professor Thomas Philippon notes that increases in lobbying against competition and poor regulatory oversight have led to a market reversal between the United States and Europe "

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Excerpt from Marketplace -- "'The problem is that it is a mixture of extreme influence by lobbyists and also the fact that some regulators are afraid of doing anything because when they do something they are criticized whether they win or they lose.'"
Faculty News

Professor Priya Raghubir illustrates how businesses use reference points on pricing to influence customer spending behavio

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Excerpt from Business Insider -- "'These are used on price tags, these are used in advertising, this is used inside retail stores on signage — all of which are ways to try and get you to anchor on a particular price, so it is against that price that you would then evaluate the current offering,' Priya Raghubir, a marketing professor at New York University's Stern School of Business, told Business Insider."
Faculty News

Professor Richard Sylla discusses the evolution of financial technology over the past 50 years

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Excerpt from Markets Media -- “'Fifty years ago New York Stock Exchange technology was still traders and brokers running around on the floor with paper slips, making trades and clearing them,' said Richard Sylla, Professor Emeritus at NYU Stern School of Business. 'They actually had to reduce the hours of the exchange just to catch up.'"
Faculty News

Professor Allen Adamson explains why toymakers are repackaging veteran brands into special-edition versions

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Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- “'Nostalgia is never a selling point to the kid,' says Allen Adamson, co-founder of Metaforce, a brand-consulting firm. 'Brand new’ is the most important selling point to kids.'”
Business and Policy Leader Events

EMBA DC Fireside Chat with Dean Raghu Sundaram and Professor Tensie Whelan

Tensie Whelan and Raghu Sundaram
On December 13, 2019, NYU Stern's Executive MBA Program and NYU Washington DC hosted a fireside chat at NYU’s downtown DC location featuring Dean Raghu Sundaram in conversation with Professor Tensie Whelan, Director of Stern’s Center for Sustainable Business.
Faculty News

Joint research on price effects of consolidation in the car rental industry by Professor Vishal Singh is referenced

Excerpt from Phys.org -- "Assistant Professor Umut Güler of Koç University College of Administrative Sciences and Economics and his colleagues (Kanishka Misra, Rady School of Management, University of California, San Diego and Vishal Singh, Stern School of Business, New York University) proved in their latest paper published in the journal Marketing Science that the welfare effects of company mergers can be different for various consumer groups. This finding has been documented for the first time based on data."
School News

Executive Director of MBA Admissions Lisa Rios underscores the value of Stern's Pick Six essay in a feature story on getting in to the Full-time MBA program; six current full-time MBA students and alumni reflect on their time at the School

Excerpt from Business Insider -- "Relatively new to the application process at NYU Stern's MBA program is what they call ‘Pick Six.’ Since 2017, the school has asked applicants to submit six images, such as pictures or illustrations or graphic design work, along with captions.'This is one of the ways for us to get insight into candidates outside of their academic profile and written work,' said admissions director Lisa Rios. 'They can have fun with it, too, and show us their personal side with Pick Six.'"
School News

In a feature story on the best Executive MBA programs in the world, Assistant Dean of Executive Degree Programs Admissions and Marketing Neha Singhal and alumna Irina Kodes (MBA '17) underscore the rigor at Stern

Excerpt from Business Insider -- "'The NYU Stern Executive MBA program brings together a rigorous academic curriculum, expert Stern faculty, and a highly experienced cohort of executives from a wide range of industries including financial services, healthcare, technology, nonprofit, and more. Students in our program, most of whom are senior executives with an average of 12 years of experience, not only gain skills that help them further advance their careers to the tops of their organizations, but also develop a lifelong professional network that enables them to connect with Stern students — past and present — who are leaders in their respective fields,' said Neha Singhal, the assistant dean of executive degree programs admissions and marketing at NYU Stern."