Faculty News

Professor Alixandra Barasch's joint research on the relationship between taking photos and memory is cited

Yahoo Finance logo
Excerpt from Yahoo Finance -- "The work of Alixandra Barasch from New York University, Kristin Diehl at the University of Southern California and Jackie Silverman at the University of Pennsylvania has shown that taking pictures tends to aid recall when people consciously look for specific details or aspects to photograph. They called this 'volitional photo taking.'”
Faculty News

Professor Thomai Serdari's comments on Authentic Brands Group's plan to license the Barneys brand to Saks Fifth Avenue are featured

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Excerpt from Retail Dive -- "'The deal that is allegedly penned between ABG and Saks will capitalize on the ghost of the creative brand that Barneys used to be by transforming it into a series of soul-less, licensed merchandise for mass consumption,' Thomai Serdari, a professor of luxury marketing and branding at New York University's Stern School of Business, told Retail Dive last week, adding that no amount of 'curation' or homage 'can be as groundbreaking as Barneys has been.'"
Faculty News

In a video interview, Professor David Yermack explains how Facebook's Libra differs from Bitcoin

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Excerpt from CNBC -- "It's very different than cryptocurrency like bitcoin or ether, which is decentralized, has no leadership, and relies on a community of people who compete to build the blocks that update the transactions. Because of the design of something like bitcoin, it really can only accommodate a small amount of traffic. But something with central management like libra could really grow to almost any size that you wished.'"
Faculty News

Professor Robert Engle is profiled as part of a P&Q "Professor of the Week" segment; his recent research on measuring systemic risk in the financial system is spotlighted

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Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "Now, Poets&Quants’ Professor of the Week, Nobel Prize-winning economist Robert F. Engle of New York University Stern School of Business, has created a new tool to measure systemic risk in the financial system, and hence the risk of a new global financial crisis."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan weighs in on future of the IPO landscape; his book, "The Sharing Economy," is referenced

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Excerpt from CGTN -- “'I believe that in the long run we could see some benefit for tech investing in general,' says New York University Professor Arun Sundararajan, the author of 'The Sharing Economy.' 'The amounts of capital infused into companies pre-IPO aren’t quite as enormous and the valuations stay realistic until the company is subjected to the rigorous of the public market.'”
Business and Policy Leader Events

NYU Stern’s MS in Risk Management Program Marks 10-Year Anniversary

Stern Leadership and Faculty with MSRM Alumni Committee at the 10 Year Risk Symposium
NYU Stern’s MS in Risk Management (MSRM) program, the first of its kind at a top business school and presciently developed before the 2008 financial crisis, is marking its 10th anniversary.
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran's thoughts on the connection between zero brokerage commissions and investor cost savings are featured

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Excerpt from MarketWatch -- "That’s because brokerage commissions already were so low that they amounted to nothing more than a 'drop in the bucket' of total transaction costs, according to Aswath Damodaran, a professor of finance at the Stern School of Business at New York University. Therefore, he said in an interview, the move to zero commissions will not lead to significant cost savings for almost all investors."
Faculty News

In an in-depth Q&A interview, Professor Richard Sylla analyzes the US stock market crash of 1929 and discusses the effect Black Thursday had on the economy

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Excerpt from TIME -- "TIME spoke to financial historian Richard Sylla, a Professor Emeritus of Economics and the former Henry Kaufman Professor of the History of Financial Institutions and Markets at New York University Stern School of Business and Chairman of the board of the Museum of American Finance in New York City."
Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: Communication Strategies: Developing Leadership Presence

In this advanced communication program, participants will practice developing and delivering well-crafted, concise messages with clearly defined intents that support their personal brand.
Faculty News

In a live interview, Professor Scott Galloway discusses the value of WeWork following SoftBank's $9.5 billion majority takeover

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Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "'There is value here. There's a global brand that has evolved the workspace on a unit level--there probably are some properties that make money. The issue is, if you then back out the $43 billion in long-term leases that have an average duration of 15 years, you likely have a company that's not only worth less than $8 billion, it's probably got negative value.'"
Faculty News

Professor Paul Romer's comments on the Augmenting Compatibility and Competition by Enabling Service Switching (ACCESS) Act are featured

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Excerpt from MarketWatch -- "The senators’ measure has drawn support from some experts, such as Nobel-winning economist Paul Romer. 'We must get back to the conditions that make markets work: when consumers know what they give a firm and what they get in return,' Romer said in the lawmakers’ press release. Mandating portability will give people 'a realistic option of switching to another provider,' he added. The bill’s lengthy full name is the Augmenting Compatibility and Competition by Enabling Service Switching Act."
Press Releases

NYU Stern Broadens Scope on Risk Assessment and Management with its Newly Expanded Volatility and Risk Institute

NYU Stern campus
New York University Stern School of Business announced today that it is expanding the scope and renaming its celebrated Volatility Institute the Volatility and Risk Institute (VRI). 
School News

Research from Stern's Center for Business and Human Rights on disinformation and its impact on the 2020 elections is mentioned

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Excerpt from The Washington Times -- "Experts have warned recently that Facebook remains vulnerable ahead of 2020, however, and Instagram maybe more than ever. A report published last month by the New York University’s Stern Center for Business and Human Rights warned that Instagram’s focus on images rather than words makes it an 'ideal venue' for spreading easy-to-digest disinformation, weeks after Facebook’s former head of security raised similar concerns."
Faculty News

Professor Amy Webb comments on the capabilities of MindMeld, an artificial intelligence-powered, voice-enabled app

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Excerpt from Financial Times -- "Amy Webb is a futurist and founder of the Future Today Institute, which helps leaders look ahead and anticipate change. Also a professor of strategic foresight at New York University’s Stern School of Business, she recalls an early demonstration of a voice-powered app from a start-up called MindMeld."
School News

Data from the Securities Enforcement Empirical Database (SEED) on SEC settlements with public companies, jointly created by the NYU Pollack Center for Law & Business, is featured

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Excerpt from Financial Times -- Data from the Securities Enforcement Empirical Database (SEED) on SEC settlements with public companies, jointly created by the NYU Pollack Center for Law & Business, is featured.
School News

Center for Business and Human Rights Deputy Director Paul Barrett explains how a network of Russian-backed accounts utilizes Instagram to spread political disinformation

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from The Washington Post -- "'We are seeing again that the aim of the Russians is not exclusively to favor one candidate over another but to create divisiveness within the electorate overall,' said Paul M. Barrett, deputy director of New York University’s Stern Center for Business and Human Rights. 'The reason that networks of phony accounts are drawn to Instagram is because disinformation is increasingly visual in nature, and that’s what Instagram specializes in.'”
School News

Stern’s Center for Sustainable Business is highlighted as a leader in the space, noting Director Tensie Whelan’s leadership in sustainability research and work with Director of Academic Research Tracy Van Holt

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Excerpt from Financial Times -- "When Tensie Whelan, the former president of the Rainforest Alliance, joined New York University’s Stern School of Business, it was on condition that it establish a centre to support serious research into sustainability. Now she is running Stern’s Centre for Sustainable Business, she says: 'I’m looking at designing research that will help us best understand how to best design the next stage of capitalism.'”
Faculty News

Lord Mervyn King argues that the lack of an approved Brexit deal prevents the UK from addressing its underlying economic issues

Excerpt from Telegraph -- Mervyn King, the former Governor of the Bank of England, warned today that Brexit has dragged on 'far too long' and was preventing Government from addressing underlying issues within the UK economy."
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway's blog post about the market's shifting appetite from growth to margin is featured

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Excerpt from Business Insider -- "Scott Galloway, the best-selling author and well-known tech-industry pundit, is a professor of marketing at New York University's Stern School of Business. His weekly business videos at Section4 and Winners & Losers have generated millions of views."
Faculty News

Professor Adam Brandenburger offers ideas for how organizations can spur creativity and more effectively brainstorm

Excerpt from The Holmes Report -- "Adam Brandenburger, a professor at the New York University Stern School of Business who researches, writes and teaches about creativity, suggests two teams can strategize more creatively than one. Team A lists the strengths in your organization. Team B lists weaknesses. Then the teams swap lists."
Student Club Events

NYU Stern's 13th Annual Luxury & Retail Conference

Kaufman Management Center
On Friday, October 18, the Luxury & Retail Club will host its 13th annual conference, themed "Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Incubation."
Faculty News

Professor David Yermack offers thoughts on the demand for Ether futures contracts

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Excerpt from CoinTelegraph -- "Futures are simply contracts to buy or sell a designated quantity of an asset at a specified price and date, and they are particularly useful when the underlying asset is volatile, which is the case with Bitcoin — and to a lesser degree with Ether, as David L. Yermack, professor at NYU Stern, noted to Cointelegraph."
Faculty News

Professor Michael Posner comments on the US State Department's sanctions targeting Chinese officials over their involvement in human rights abuses in the Chinese region of Xinjiang

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Excerpt from Yahoo News -- “'The commander-in-chief is the primary spokesperson for the United States,' said Posner. 'And if he’s not echoing or even leading in the same direction as Secretary [of State Mike] Pompeo … it allows somebody like Xi Jinping to say ‘I’ll listen to the guy I’m talking to – the president – and I can ignore the rest’.'”
Press Releases

Endless Frontier Labs at NYU Stern Selects 50 Science-and Technology-Based Startups for Its 2019-2020 Cohort

Deepak Hegde speaks to students
Today, Endless Frontier Labs (EFL) at NYU’s Stern School of Business is announcing that after a successful admissions cycle, it has selected 50 early-stage science- and technology-based startups for its 2019-2020 cohort.
Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: Sustainability Training for Business Leaders

This course is designed to assist executives in developing the knowledge, skills and perspective they need to understand and address these environmental and social challenges, and build companies that meet the needs of society while delivering economic returns to shareholders and stakeholders.