Business and Policy Leader Events

Stern EMBA Speaker Series: Charlie Reinhard (MBA ‘94)

Executive MBA alumnus Charlie Reinhard
On April 12, 2019, NYU Stern's Executive MBA Program and NYU Washington DC hosted a Stern EMBA Speaker Series event at NYU’s downtown DC location featuring EMBA alumnus Charlie Reinhard (MBA ‘94), Head - NAM Investment Strategy at Citi Private Bank.
Faculty News

Professor Robert Salomon offers advice for global companies to combat economic nationalism, drawing from his book, "Global Vision;” the DHL Global Connectedness Index, co-authored by Professor Pankaj Ghemawat, Senior Research Scholar Steven Altman and Ass

The Economist logo
Excerpt from The Economist -- "Differences in cultural, political and economic institutions between countries can create impediments to or encourage globalisation, explains Robert Salomon, professor of management and organisations at NYU’s Stern School of Business and author of 'Global Vision: How Companies Can Overcome the Pitfalls of Globalization.'"
Faculty News

In an interview, Professor Pankaj Ghemawat shares takeaways from his work on the DHL Global Connectedness Index, co-authored with Senior Research Scholar Steven Altman and Associate Research Scholar Phillip Bastian

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Excerpt from Die Presse -- (translated from German using Google Translate) "'When you do a poll, the majority will always estimate the interconnectedness of the world more than it really is. Whether it's international investment or trade, people have an exaggerated notion of globalization.' Ghemawat is co-author of the 'DHL Global Connectedness Index', which is published every two years."
Faculty News

Professor Paul Hardart underscores Netflix's worldwide reach in an article about the launch of Disney+

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Excerpt from The Wrap -- "'The power of Netflix is there are few places you can go to say, "I want my film or documentary or show to be global immediately,"' Hardart said. 'Beyoncé can say, "I want my new documentary to reach the world," and 140 million people will see it this week, boom.'"
Faculty News

Professor Michael Posner is quoted in a story about the UK's proposed legislation to regulate social media platforms

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Excerpt from Financial Times -- "This week’s proposals could have an impact on attitudes far beyond Britain’s shores, warns Michael Posner, professor of ethics and finance at NYU’s Stern School of Business and a former Obama administration official. 'I think it will lead to each government deciding what is illegitimate or not,' he says. 'And you end up with what Iranians have called the ‘halal internet’ — where [each country] decides what is kosher or not.'"
Faculty News

Professor Harry Chernoff is interviewed about investing in real estate

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Excerpt from Mansion Global -- "A really savvy homebuyer with cash on hand—and energy to spare on some serious strategizing—might take advantage of the current rates and embark on what’s known in the finance industry as 'leveraging,' or a way of using borrowed money to build potential returns from an investment over time, said Harry Chernoff, a clinical professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business and a long-time real estate developer."
Faculty News

Scholar-in-Residence Gary Friedland is quoted in a feature article on Hudson Yards and the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program, from his joint research with Professor Jeanne Calderon

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Excerpt from CityLab -- "'The use of EB-5 capital to fund mega-projects like [Hudson Yards] absorbs a significant portion of the limited annual quota of EB-5 visas,' Friedland says."
School News

Stern’s Center for Business and Human Rights' panel discussion, "Shared Space Under Pressure," is featured

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Excerpt from MetroMBA -- "Speakers addressed the standards by which organizations can improve their approaches to these issues, and also the outcomes when business leaders do not take them into account. The panel included Stern Professor of Ethics and Finance Michael Posner, Bennett Freeman, Principal author of “Shared Space Under Pressure”; Principal, Bennett Freeman Associates LLC; Deputy Assistant Secretary for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor from 1999-01; and Bobbie Sta. Maria, Director for Labour Rights and Asia, Business & Human Rights Resource Center."
Business and Policy Leader Events

2019 Four School Conference

The Four School Conference brings together faculty, students and researchers from Stern, Columbia, Yale and University of Pennsylvania.
Faculty News

Professor Lawrence White responds to US bank CEOs requesting that Congress loosen bank capital requirements

Marketplace Logo
Excerpt from Marketplace -- “That’s simply the wrong way to be thinking about capital… They [the banks] had way too little skin in the game and that is what really brought us to the brink of disaster."
Faculty News

Professor Nouriel Roubini is interviewed about his predictions for the global economy at the Top CEO Forum in Bahrain

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Excerpt from Arab News -- "'I do not see another global financial crisis in the next year or so, but eventually there will be a global recession. If and when that occurs is a very open question, but it’s not over the near horizon,' he said."
Faculty News

Professor Dolly Chugh explains how having a growth mindset can foster better leadership skills

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Excerpt from HubSpot blog -- "Chugh told me, 'We paint ourselves into a tight corner when we view being a good person as either/or. It makes it hard for us to see the times in which we might be contributing to a dynamic that discourages people of color from staying at the firm, or women from applying.'"
Faculty News

In an interview, Professor Jonathan Haidt shares insights on happiness, from his book, "The Happiness Hypothesis"

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Excerpt from CNBC -- "'Happiness is best described as coming from between — that is if you get the right kind of relationship between yourself and other people, yourself and your work, and yourself and something larger than yourself... if you get those three relationships right ... it will draw you out into the world, it will engage your passions, it will give you the kind of support that you need and want and it’ll give you a sense of meaning and purpose in life,' he says."
School News

Stern's commitment to sustainable business and social entrepreneurship, including the W.R. Berkley Innovation Labs, Sustainable Business and Innovation MBA specialization and other MBA offerings, is highlighted

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Excerpt from mbaMission -- The W. R. Berkley Innovation Labs serve as the hub of all entrepreneurial activities and events at the school, and in 2008, Stern introduced a Sustainable Business and Innovation (formerly Social Innovation and Impact) specialization, thereby formalizing an academic track for students with this career path in mind. Courses available within the specialization include “Corporate Branding and Sustainability,” “Investing for Environmental and Social Impact,” and “Driving Market Solutions for Clean Energy.”
Faculty News

Professor Richard Sylla is quoted in a story about the 1861 Milwaukee Bank Riot

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Excerpt from Milwaukee Independent -- "'The southern governments that issued the bonds were unlikely to want to payback the bonds that were held outside their country, like in Wisconsin,' added Sylla. 'So you walked into a bar in Milwaukee, and you try to buy your beer and the bartender would say, "The banker told us not to accept your money." So if you got paid in that money a few days before, you might have been quite angry.'"
Faculty News

Professor Hila Lifshitz-Assaf offers insights from her research at NASA on open innovation

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Excerpt from BBC News -- "It's a generational change and companies know that if they don't give their employees a way to fully express their ideas also they will leave very quickly because developing a new venture or startup today is much cheaper and much faster than it used to be."
Faculty News

Professor Adam Alter's book, "Irresistible," is referenced

Harvard Business Review logo
Excerpt from the Harvard Business Review -- "The book Irresistible by Stern School of Business associate professor Adam Alter will quickly raise your awareness of the addictive designs going into smartphones. They’re like pocket slot machines. So how do you resist the urge to reach for it? Make it less appealing."
School News

Center for Business and Human Rights Deputy Director Paul Barrett shares his views on Facebook's efforts to combat disinformation

Associated Press logo
Excerpt from Associated Press -- "But if Facebook knows information is wrong, why not remove it? That’s a question posed by Paul Barrett, deputy director at the New York University Stern Center for Business and Human Rights. 'Making a distinction between demoting (material) and removing it seems to us to be a curious hesitation,' he said."
School News

Stern's Andre Koo Technology and Entrepreneurship MBA program is highlighted in an article on specialized MBA offerings

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Excerpt from Find MBA -- "Specialist MBA programs also go a long way towards addressing concerns that business schools have not effectively responded to new employer demand for more specialist skills, such as digital technology. One striking example of this is the Tech MBA at NYU Stern School of Business in New York City. Launched in 2018, the program was developed with insight from senior tech industry executives from such companies as PayPal, BuzzFeed and Amazon. The syllabus builds broad knowledge in fundamental business skills, such as economics and marketing, while also honing students’ core technology skills such as business analytics and product management."
Faculty News

In an interview, Professor Amy Webb addresses the significance of the gap between the US and China on AI, from her book, "The Big Nine"

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Excerpt from Fortune -- "'I think democracy is at stake—I’m not joking,' Webb says. 'I think our way of living is at stake and the future of how we do business globally is at stake.'"
Faculty News

Professor Marc Hodak provides historical context on the legal battle between Henry Ford and the Dodge brothers

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Excerpt from HowStuffWorks -- "'The number one reason that case is cited is for Ford supposedly wanting to do right by his workers,' says Marc Hodak, an adjunct professor in New York University's business school. 'The idea that he was actually trying to squeeze out the Dodge brothers is something that's often lost.'"
School News

Professor Allen Adamson explains why the Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood is an appealing purchase for Netflix

New York Post logo
Excerpt from New York Post -- "'They can say, "We premiered our film on Hollywood Boulevard,"' Adamson said. 'It allows them to legitimatize their content and get into the big leagues. Hollywood movies are the ultimate content.'"
Faculty News

Professor Rosa Abrantes-Metz discusses antitrust legislation and big tech firms

Excerpt from Adweek -- "… These small businesses that people like Senator Warren are concerned about, those are not consumers. They are producers. Those are competitors. And that doesn’t, in my view, fall in the context of antitrust policy."
School News

In a joint op-ed, Stern senior research scholar Steven Altman and associate research scholar Phillip Bastian write about how North Korea's international trade patterns imply a path forward for negotiations with the US, from their recent work on the DHL Gl

Nikkei logo
Excerpt from Nikkei -- "With the world watching, the second Trump-Kim summit in Hanoi failed to produce an agreement, implying a mismatch between Trump’s pitch of prosperity via international trade and investment and Kim’s reliance on nuclear weapons for his regime’s survival. But, despite escalating tensions following the summit, there still is potential for progress."
Faculty News

Professor David Yermack's research on the impact of Michelle Obama's fashion choices is cited

Go Banking Rates logo
Excerpt from Go Banking Rates -- "According to a study done by David Yermack, a business and finance professor at New York University’s Stern School, Obama’s fashion choices are worth $14 million per appearance to the designers."