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The Ninth New York Fed/NYU Stern Conference on Financial Intermediation

A conference jointly sponsored by
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and
the Salomon Center at NYU Stern

Friday, May 2, 2014
NYU Stern School of Business



8:30    Registration and Continental Breakfast

9:25    Opening Remarks

Vincent Glode, University of Pennsylvania
Christian Opp, University of Pennsylvania
"Adverse Selection and Intermediation Chains"
Discussant: Robert Marquez, UC Davis 

Itay Goldstein, University of Pennsylvania
Yaron Leitner, Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank
"Stress Tests and Information Disclosure"
Discussant: George Pennacchi, University of Illinois

11:30    Break

11:50    LENDING
Manuel Adelino, Duke University
Miguel A. Ferreira, Nova School of Business and Economics
"Bank Ratings and Lending Supply: Evidence from Sovereign Downgrades"
Discussant: James Vickery, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

12:50    Lunch

2:10    LENDING (continued)
Erik P. Gilje, University of Pennsylvania
Elena Loutskina, University of Virginia, Darden School
Philip Strahan, Boston College
"Exporting Liquidity: Branch Banking and Financial Integration"
Discussant: Amit Seru, University of Chicago

3:10    Break

Tobias Berg, University of Bonn
"Playing the Devil’s Advocate: The causal effect of risk management on loan quality"
Discussant: David Thesmar, HEC Paris

Vikrant Vig, London Business School
Janis Skrastins, London Business School
"How Organizational Hierarchy Affects Information Production"
Discussant: Denis Sosyura, University of Michigan

5:30    Reception

Conference Organizers
Alexander Ljungqvist, New York University
Hamid Mehran, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Stavros Peristiani, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Philipp Schnabl, New York University

2014 Program Committee
Anne Beatty, Ohio State University
Efraim Benmelech, Kellogg School of Management
Nittai Bergman, MIT Sloan
Philip Bond, University of Washington
Murillo Campello, Cornell University
Andrew Hertzberg, Columbia University
Luc Laeven, International Monetary Fund
Robert Marquez, UC Davis
Alan Morrison, University of Oxford
Martin Oehmke, Columbia University
Steven Ongena, University of Zurich
George Pennacchi, University of Illinois
Adriano Rampini, Duke University
João Santos, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Anjolein Schmeits, New York University
Amit Seru, University of Chicago
Philip Strahan, Boston College
David Thesmar, HEC Paris
Greg Udell, Indiana University
William J. Wilhelm, University of Virginia
Tanju Yorulmazer, Federal Reserve Bank of New York