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The Third New York Fed/NYU Stern Conference on Financial Intermediation

A conference jointly sponsored by
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and
the Salomon Center at NYU Stern

November 16, 2007
Stern School of Business
New York University

Organized by Hamid Mehran and Stavros Peristiani (New York Fed)
and Alexander Ljungqvist (NYU)


New York University
Stern School of Business
Henry Kaufman Management Center
44 West 4th Street, New York City
Main Auditorium

8:00    Registration and Continental Breakfast

9:00-12:30    MORNING SESSION
Chair: ALEXANDER LJUNGQVIST, New York University

9:00    LAMONT BLACK, DIANA HANCOCK, and WAYNE PASSMORE, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
"Bank Core Deposits and the Mitigation of Monetary Policy"
Discussant: SKANDER J. VAN DEN HEUVEL, University of Pennsylvania

10:00    VIRAL ACHARYA, London Business School
S. VISWANATHAN, Duke University
"Moral Hazard, Collateral, and Liquidity" 
Discussant: ALEXEI V. TCHISTYI, New York University

11:00    Refreshment Break

11:30    MICHAEL R. ROBERTS, University of Pennsylvania
AMIR SUFI, University of Chicago
"Control Rights and Capital Structure: An Empirical Investigation" 
Discussant: VICTORIA IVASHINA, Harvard Business School

12:30    Lunch

Chair: HAMID MEHRAN, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

2:00    SUMIT AGARWAL, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
ROBERT HAUSWALD, American University
"The Choice of Arm’s-Length and Relationship Debt: Evidence from eLoans"
Discussant: PHILIP STRAHAN, Boston College

3:00    RAJKAMAL IYER, University of Amsterdam
MANJU PURI, Duke University
"Who Runs? The Importance of Relationships in Bank Panics"
Discussant: DAVID C SMITH, University of Virginia

4:00    Refreshment Break

4:30    SIMONA MOLA, Arizona State University
MASSIMO GUIDOLIN, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
"Affiliated Mutual Funds and Analyst Optimism"
Discussant: CAMELIA KUHNEN, Northwestern University

5:30    Cocktail Reception