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This conference brings together finance researchers from several northeastern universities. We invite colleagues at all schools in the northeast, and others interested in current finance research, to a day of research presentations in finance. Faculty from each of the program participant schools will present one of the papers on the program.

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Program Participants from:
Columbia University | New York University | Princeton University
University of Pennsylvania | Yale University

Friday, December 1, 2006

New York University
Stern School of Business
Kaufman Management Center, Room 2-60
44 West Fourth Street
New York, NY 10012

Directions to Stern:
Yakov Amihud, New York University
Kose John, New York University

To register for the conference and reserve your luncheon ticket, please send an email to by November 24. Indicate your name, university/affiliation, and email address in your response.

Special Request from Organizers: 
Last year there was a large number of people who registered and did not show up. Please understand that this creates difficulties in organization and catering. We would like to ask you to register only if you are reasonably sure of being able to attend. And, if after having registered you find out that you are unable to attend, please let Mary Jaffier know by November 23.


9:00    Registration and Continental Breakfast

9:30    Introduction
Matthew Richardson, Director, NYU Salomon Center

9:45    Chair: Jose A. Scheinkman, Princeton University
Suresh Sundaresan and Neng Wang, Columbia Univeresity
“Dynamic Investment, Capital Structure, and Debt Overhang”
Discussant: Marti Subrahmanyam, New York University

10:45    Refreshment Break

11:00    Chair: Robert Engle, New York University
Joao F. Gomes , University of Pennsylvania, Leonid Kogan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
and Motohiro Yogo, University of Pennsylvania
“Durability of Output and Expected Stock Returns”
Discussant: James Choi, Yale University

12:00    Refreshment Break

12;15    Chair: Lawrence Glosten, Columbia University
Se-Jik Kim, Seoul National University and Hyun Song Shin, Princeton University
“Industrial Structure and Corporate Finance”
Discussant: Franklin Allen, University of Pennsylvania

1:15    Luncheon

2:15    Chair :TBA
K.J. Martijn Cremers, Yale University, Vinay B. Nair, University of Pennsylvania, and Urs Peyer, INSEAD
“Weak Shareholder Rights: A Product Market Rationale”
Discussant: Wei Jiang, Columbia University

3:15    Refreshment Break

3:30    Chair: David Yermack, New York University
Xavier Gabaix, Princeton and NBER and Augustin Landier, New York University
“Why Has CEO Pay Increased So Much?”
Discussant: Wei Xiong, Princeton University

4:45    Reception