Message from the Director
A message from Professor Arun Sundararajan, Director of the Fubon Center for Technology, Business and Innovation

Leadership and Staff
The Fintech, Data Analytics & AI and Innovation initiatives are led by our three initiative Directors, Professors DeRose, Provost and Schilling.

Fubon Innovation Scholars
Fubon Innovation Scholars are faculty members at Stern who have demonstrated significant thought leadership about technology in business and society.

Doctoral Fellows
The Fubon Center offers a small number of merit-based research grants aimed at supporting 5th year Stern Doctoral Candidates with promising dissertation projects aligned with Fubon’s mission.

Fubon Center FinTech Advisory Board

Founding Donor
The Center was made possible through an endowed gift from alumnus Richard Ming-Hsing Tsai (MBA ’81), Chairman and CEO of Fubon Financial Holding Co., Ltd. together with Fubon Financial Holding Co., Ltd.