Learn with us: What we're reading this semester

Visible Learning and the Science of How We Learn by John Hattie and Gregory C. R. Yates
This semester, the Learning Science Lab team is reading Visible Learning and the Science of How We Learn. This book explains the major principles and strategies of learning, outlining why it can be so hard sometimes. The book is structured in three parts – ‘learning within classrooms’, ‘learning foundations’, which explains the cognitive building blocks of knowledge acquisition and ‘know thyself’ which explores, confidence and self-knowledge.
Learning Science Books to add to your reading list

Multimedia Learning by Richard E. Mayer
Mayer examines whether people learn more deeply when ideas are expressed in words and pictures rather than in words alone. He reviews 12 principles of instructional design that are based on experimental research studies and grounded in a theory of how people learn from words and pictures. The result is what Mayer calls the cognitive theory of multimedia learning.

The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning, Edited by Richard E. Mayer
The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning is a comprehensive analysis of research and theory in the field of learning science, with a focus on computer-based learning. Since the first edition appeared in 2005, it has shaped the field and become the primary reference work for multimedia learning. Multimedia environments, including online presentations, e-courses, interactive lessons, simulation games, slideshows, and even textbooks, play a crucial role in education.

Essentials of Online Course Design by Marjorie Vai and Kristen Sosulski
Co-authored by Kristen Sosulski, Director of the Stern Learning Science Lab, this book takes a step-by-step approach to online course development. At its core is a set of standards that are based on best practices in the field of online learning and teaching. Pedagogical, organizational, and visual design principles are presented and modeled throughout the book, and users will quickly learn from the guide’s hands-on approach.
Learning Science Lab research project

Researching student performance and engagement in online courses
In the design of digital environments, we make a series of decisions around how learning content and artifacts are organized, displayed, and presented. The decisions around design are rooted in best practices and research from the field of learning sciences and educational technology. In this research project, we seek to understand the impact of these design decisions for online courses on student performance and engagement.
Prestenters: Kristen Sosulski and Marian Tes,
Topic: "Using Learning Analytics to Study Student Performance and Engagement in Online Courses"
Conference: OLC Accelerate, 2019
Prestenters: Kristen Sosulski, Amanda Justice, and Ben Bowman
Topic: “Unfinished By Design: A Forward Thinking Approach for Creating Adaptive, Flexible Media for the Ever-Changing Educational Landscape”
Conference: OLC Accelerate, 2018
Prestenters: Kristen Sosulski, Amanda Justice, and Ben Bowman
Topic: “Rethinking the Video Lecture for Student Engagement”
Conference: OLC Accelerate, 2017
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