School News

Stern is named to the Clear Admit 2019 Best Business Schools for Finance list

Clear Admit logo
Excerpt from Clear Admit -- "While top-tier business schools across the board boast star faculty and fantastic foundational courses in finance, NYU Stern sets itself apart in terms of the array of specializations offered that are especially relevant to students interested in financial services."
School News

In a video interview, Executive Director of MBA Admissions Lisa Rios offers advice for prospective MBA applicants and highlights what makes Stern unique logo
Excerpt from -- "I think the best way for candidates to learn about any school is to try and visit the campus as much as possible. Granted, we understand that candidates coming from all over the world and so that may not always be the easiest thing to do, so there are other ways that you can engage. You could take advantage of the videos on our website. You can take advantage of the webinars that we host. It could be that you're connecting with the current students or even the alumni that live in the region that you are currently in."
School News

In a Q&A interview, Executive Director of MBA Admissions Rabia Ahmed discusses Stern's addition of the Executive Assessment to its standardized test options for MBA applicants logo
Excerpt from -- "Stern is a school on the move and has always been an early adopter. We were among the first programs to accept the GRE as a second choice to the GMAT, and now we are excited to also accept the EA. As one of three standardized test options available to students, the EA provides a valid predictor of graduate school academic readiness. It's been created specifically to measure the skills and knowledge of professionals. It is also designed to require modest preparation and is shorter in length at 90 minutes."
Press Releases

Patients Are Resistant to Medical AI and Prefer Human Medical Providers, New Study Finds

Doctor writing notes
New research from the NYU Stern School of Business and Boston University Questrom School of Business finds that patients are less receptive and less likely to trust AI over human healthcare providers.
Faculty News

In an interview, Professor Thomaï Serdari discusses the role of influencers in the growing market for modest fashion

Channel News Asia logo
Excerpt from Channel News Asia -- "There are all these new influencers who actually started their blogs or Instagram accounts because they wanted to voice their difference -- not necessarily because they wanted to be in the business of selling fashion, which I think is a very important issue that consumers appreciate, rather than having brands telling them, 'buy, buy, buy', they have someone who is a little bit more objective, or neutral."
Faculty News

Professor Alvin Lieberman is quoted in a feature article on New York City's Silicon Alley

Excerpt from Variety -- "'There’s less of the "giant idea" that’s meant to re-paint the sky but more down-to-earth [concepts] that can be implemented in the short term,' says Al Lieberman, professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business and executive director of NYU’s Entertainment, Media & Technology program."
Faculty News

Professor Allen Adamson offers insights on the back-to-school retail landscape

Vox logo
Excerpt from Vox -- "'The market opportunities are on the, "Mom, can I get new [insert backpack brand, sneaker brand, or clothing brand here] for school this year? All my friends have them."'"
Faculty News

Professor Roy Smith comments on the evolution of partners' roles at Goldman Sachs

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "Many partners get offers to do other things at hedge and private equity firms ... that means that Goldman Sachs has to keep the partnership flame alight to continue to attract talented people."
School News

The Center for Business and Human Rights' new research on combating disinformation in the 2020 elections is cited

HuffPost logo
Excerpt from HuffPost -- "Instagram has become one of the major vehicles for spreading disinformation, according to a new report from the NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights, which points to a 'lack of clear strategy for addressing the serious problems inherent in Instagram’s operating model.' Under growing pressure, the tech giant has taken steps to crack down on problematic accounts and to arm users with tools to identify suspicious activity."
Faculty News

Professor Paul Romer studies Burning Man as a model for future urban development

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "'It’s a metaphor for my sense of economics,' Mr. Romer said. 'I picture an economist showing up at Burning Man and saying: "Oh, look! This is the miracle of the invisible hand. All of this stuff happens by self-interest, and it just magically appears." And there’s this huge amount of planning that actually is what’s required beneath it to make the order emerge.'"
Faculty News

Professor Thomas Philippon offers insights from his research on market competition in the US and Europe, from his forthcoming book, "The Great Reversal"

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "A growing mountain of research has focused on corporate concentration in the U.S. Mr. Philippon reviews much of this evidence and concludes competition has indeed declined to the detriment of consumers. His novel contribution, though, is to contrast this with the experience of Europe. Indeed, he was inspired by a mundane question many European visitors ask: 'Why on earth are U.S. cellphone plans so expensive?'"
Faculty News

Professor Russell Winer explains how trends are impacting the mens' shaving product market

CGTN logo
Excerpt from CGTN -- “You’ve got competition from the internet such as Dollar Shave Club and Harry’s … we’ve seen these kinds of trends over many many years hurt other kinds of industries … think hats for example … once upon a time most men wore stylish hats … now its baseball caps”
Business and Policy Leader Events

Fall 2019 Stern Economic Outlook Forum

Kaufman Management Center
On Wednesday, September 4, NYU Stern's Center for Global Economy and Business hosted the Fall 2019 Economic Outlook Forum. Kim Schoenholtz, Director of the Center, moderated the discussion, featuring panelists Seth Carpenter, UBS; Joyce Chang, JP Morgan; and Constance Hunter, KPMG.
School News

Two-year Full-time MBA student Chain Vayakornvichit highlights what’s unique about his classmates in a feature story on incoming MBA students at top b-schools

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "For Chain Vayakornvichit, a product marketer from Thailand, it requires a special kind of person – 'focused but open' – to take a leap of faith, invest in themselves, and return to school. “At the same time, they have to wrestle with the uncertainty of where this path will take them,” the New York University MBA candidate adds. 'These two factors are why I think the classmates I have met come in with a particular story, a particular idea of where they want to be at the end of the line, but they remain open to possibilities.'"
Faculty News

In a live interview, Professor Rosa Abrantes-Metz comments on a recent case of manipulation in the precious metals market

BNN logo
Excerpt from BNN Bloomberg -- "These are episodic events, so they don't affect every trader every day, but they are frequent enough that real investors may be worried."
Faculty News

Professor Jonathan Haidt is named to the Prospect Magazine World's Top Thinkers list

Excerpt from Prospect Magazine -- "For their work in race studies and feminism respectively, Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw and Kate Manne were popular; as was social psychologist Jonathan Haidt..."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan shares his views in an article about the value of driver names as trade secrets

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Concerns over privacy could be a valid argument against releasing driver names, said New York University business school professor Arun Sundararajan."
Faculty News

Professor Anat Lechner is quoted in an article on Pattern, a startup designed to combat workplace burnout

Quartz logo
Excerpt from Quartz -- "There also are low-cost ways for employers also to help workers combat their fatigue. Chief among them is to simply create more meaningful relationships, says Anat Lechner, an associate professor at New York University Stern School of Business, whose research focuses on innovative organizations."
School News

Center for Business and Human Rights Deputy Director Paul Barrett is interviewed about the Center's new research on how social media firms should prepare to combat disinformation in the 2020 elections

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from The Washington Post -- "'We urge the companies to prioritize false content related to democratic institutions, starting with elections,' he said. 'And we suggest that they retain clearly marked copies of removed material in a publicly accessible, searchable archive, where false content can be studied by scholars and others, but not shared or retweeted.'"
School News

Professor Michael Posner and Center for Business and Human Rights Deputy Director Paul Barrett are quoted in a feature article on the Center's report on combating disinformation on social media in the 2020 election

The Hill logo
Excerpt from The Hill -- "Michael Posner, the director of NYU’s Stern Center, said in a statement that 'taking steps to combat disinformation isn’t just the right thing to do, it’s in the social media companies’ best interests as well.' ... In an interview with The Hill, Paul Barrett, the report’s author and the deputy director of NYU’s Stern Center, said that he 'doesn’t think the Honest Ads Act has much of a chance' of passage due to a lack of Republican support for election security bills in the Senate."
Press Releases

Researchers Will Shine Light into the Black Box of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

Abstract shapes with city background
Researchers from New York University and Georgia Tech are conducting foundational research to understand and improve expert work in an age of data-intensive enhanced cognition, especially in healthcare, where new technologies are rapidly being deployed. The National Science Foundation recently awarded the team $2 million for the four-year project, which is expected to transform the future of expert work through a combined redesign of technology, workflow, and interactions.
School News

Stern Solutions experiential learning projects for graduate students and the Center for Sustainable Business' work undergraduate students in the Stern Around the World program are highlighted in a trend story on innovative real-world learning programs at

Delta Sky Magazine logo
Excerpt from Delta Sky Magazine -- "Through Stern Solutions experiential learning offerings at New York University's Stern School of Business, graduate students team up with faculty advisers to solve pressing problems facing real businesses... NYU Stern's Center for Sustainable Business works to connect undergraduate and MBA students with opportunities to do good while learning."
Faculty News

In an interview, Professor Lawrence White discusses economic indicators and the possibility of a forthcoming recession

Channel News Asia logo
Excerpt from Channel News Asia -- "It's not a hard and fast relationship... it just indicates that the bond markets... are anticipating a weaker economy in the future."
School News

Undergraduate business student Steven Schwartz is interviewed about Varfaj Partners, his web development startup

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "'We’re lucky to be in New York City, where there’s a networking convention every single night,' says Schwartz."