Business and Policy Leader Events
NYU Stern's "In Conversation with Lord Mervyn King" Series Presents Indra Nooyi

Indra Nooyi, former chairman and CEO, PepsiCo, and Board of Directors, Amazon (right), in conversation with Lord Mervyn King (left) at the NYU Stern School of Business
NYU Stern's "In Conversation with Lord Mervyn King" series hosted Indra Nooyi, former chairman and CEO, PepsiCo, and Board of Directors, Amazon this fall.
Nooyi and Lord King engaged in a wide-ranging discussion, touching on everything from the benefits of failure, the challenges facing women and parents in the workplace, building a business with purpose and the changing consumer product landscape.
Watch the full discussion and see a selection of social media posts below:
The video can also be accessed here.
Excited for @IndraNooyi’s chat at @NYUStern tonight! #NooyiAtStern!
— Roop Ghoul (@Roopdidoo) October 29, 2019
Honored and Privileged to hear Indra Nooyi talk about the “Purpose” of existence of Corporations @IndraNooyi #nooyiatstern
— Mohnish Rodge (@Mohnishrr) October 30, 2019
@NYUStern @NYUAlumni Thank you for the opportunity to listen to and speak with the inimitable Indra Nooyi! #IndraNooyi #NooyiAtStern #FanGirl
— Tara.ji (@TrollabackGal) October 30, 2019