Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Michael Spence argues for increased public investment by private investors

Project Syndicate logo
Excerpt from Project Syndicate -- "Properly targeted public investment can do much to boost economic performance, generating aggregate demand quickly, fueling productivity growth by improving human capital, encouraging technological innovation, and spurring private-sector investment by increasing returns. Though public investment cannot fix a large demand shortfall overnight, it can accelerate the recovery and establish more sustainable growth patterns."
Faculty News

Prof. Roy Smith on the impact of Basel III regulations on the banking industry

Bankrate logo
Excerpt from Bankrate.com -- "'Safety and soundness is probably improving because banks are being increasingly required to do less risky things,' says Smith, but many of the regulatory changes made to accomplish that could end up actually harming the ability of major banks to survive over the long term."
Business and Policy Leader Events

Devon Pike, President of Givenchy US, Joins MBAs for Langone Speaker Series

Langone Speaker Series
Devon Pike, president of Givenchy US and former CEO of De Beers, North America, joined MBA students and alumni for a 2014-2015 Langone Speaker Series event, presented by U.S. Trust. 
Student Club Events

Fifth Annual NYU Social Innovation Symposium

Social Innovation Symposium Logo
On February 20, 2015, the social enterprise student organizations of New York University’s Leonard N. Stern School of Business, School of Law, and Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service will host the Fifth Annual NYU Social Innovation Symposium (SIS).
Business and Policy Leader Events

NYU Stern Hosts 2nd Roundtable on Corporate Political Accountability

CPA Roundtable
A collaborative group comprising faculty and deans from business and law schools, as well as other leaders in business, law and the nonprofit sectors, convened at NYU this February to engage in a discussion about “Corporate Political Accountability: The Importance of Educating Future Business Leaders Beyond Citizens United.”
Faculty News

Profs Samuel Craig and William Greene's research on the connection between a movie's online buzz and box office success is highlighted

MediaPost logo
Excerpt from MediaPost -- "Craig and co-authors William Greene and Anthony Versaci (of AIG) analyzed 62 wide-release films over a six-month period. Among the top factors that led to increased online buzz were the film’s budget, its genre (horror and action do better than other genres) and whether the film is a sequel or not. 'This goes to show that studios do not have to remain passive bystanders, but can become actively involved in managing consumer engagement online,' Craig says. 'Similarly, studio executives can get an early read on its prospects.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway on the evolution of fashion week

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "New York Fashion Week didn’t used to be as public an affair. Traditionally, designers would show off their garb to buyers, who would write orders. 'Now it’s an opportunity for a brand to present their stuff in a controlled environment,' Scott Galloway, who teaches marketing at New York University’s Stern School of Business, said on Bloomberg Television Tuesday. 'It’s all with the hope that well-heeled attendees will take a ton of pictures and spread it to a much broader audience.'"
School News

In an op-ed, Katharine Kendrick, Policy Associate at Stern's Center for Business and Human Rights, argues against data localization

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "We can only expect localization demands to increase—and business pressures to pull in the opposite direction. While the political dynamics have shifted, companies should still have respect for human rights—and the strength of the global Internet—at the forefront of decisions over where to store their data."
Faculty News

Prof. Nicholas Economides discusses Greece's negotiations with Germany

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "I think that the Greek government will have a hard time convincing its voters that it didn't give in, but that is, in my opinion, a minor issue. The major issue is for Greece not to go bankrupt again, not to leave the euro... this is the major issue. So, it's crucially important for the Greek government to compromise and then find a way to sell it to its voters."
School News

Federal Reserve Governor Jerome Powell's panel discussion at Stern is highlighted

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "'Our agenda is not to surprise markets,' Fed Governor Jerome Powell said on Wednesday at New York University. 'It is to be as clear and transparent as possible, to keep our framework out there, and let markets understand where we're going."
Press Releases

New Research Shows Online Movie Buzz is a Good Predictor of Box Office Success

C. Samuel Craig and William Greene
Just in time for the Oscars, Professors C. Samuel Craig and William Greene of the NYU Stern School of Business, and co-author Anthony Versaci of AIG, are releasing a new study demonstrating that online buzz prior to a film’s release is a good indicator of its future box office success. The authors contend that movie studios are in a position to use “e-buzz” to their advantage by adjusting advertising budgets and marketing strategies in real-time to increase the film’s likelihood of success.
Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran's book, "The Little Book of Valuation," is cited

Bloomberg View logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg View -- "I know there are those who argue that value is in the eye of the beholder, and that any price can be justified if there are other investors who perceive an investment to be worth that amount. That is patently absurd. Perceptions may be all that matter when the asset is a painting or a sculpture, but you buy financial assets for the cash flows that you expect to receive."
Research Center Events

Center for Global Economy and Business Hosts Jerome Powell, member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Jerome Powell
On February 18, the NYU Stern Center for Global Economy and Business, led by Professor Kim Schoenholtz, welcomed Jerome Powell, member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, for a discussion and Q&A session.
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway on how bloggers impact fashion week

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Typically, bloggers bring a couple things. They bring an authenticity, a new voice and they usually bring a younger audience... No brand ever says, 'We have too many 18-30 year old fashionable thought leaders.' You never hear a brand say that, 'Oh, we need more 75 year olds.' You don't hear that a lot. So you [fashion blogger Danielle Bernstein] bring an audience, an authenticity, and also, you bring a business model. You're leaner and meaner."
Faculty News

Prof. Arun Sundararajan's views on the sharing economy are highlighted

Fast Company logo
Excerpt from Fast Company -- "Arun Sundararajan, a professor at NYU, has argued that many parts of the sharing economy could self-regulate, with oversight from the government, the way that nuclear power plants do."
Faculty News

Prof. Srikanth Jagabathula wins the National Science Foundation's CAREER Award

India Today Logo
Excerpt from India Today -- "An IIT Bombay alumnus, Jagabathula will receive a total of $500,000 over the next five years to further his research in developing data-driven modelling and learning techniques with the goal of improving the accuracy of operational decision making."
Faculty News

Prof. Adam Alter's book, "Drunk Tank Pink," is cited

Entrepreneur logo
Excerpt from Entrepreneur -- "When discussing how weather affects human behavior in his book Drunk Tank Pink, New York University marketing and psychology professor Adam Alter said, 'Sunshine dulls the mind to risk and thoughtfulness.' Added Alter: 'Happiness sends a signal that everything is fine, the environment doesn't pose an imminent threat, and there’s no need to think deeply and carefully.'"
Faculty News

Dean Peter Henry is appointed to Citigroup's board of directors

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "'Peter’s expertise in the economics of emerging markets and his unique perspective that spans the public sector, academia and business make him a valuable addition to Citi,' Citigroup Chairman Michael E. O’Neill said in a news release."
School News

Stern's "Ops in NYC" course taught by Profs Harry Chernoff, Kristen Sosulski and Mor Armony is featured

New York Post logo
Excerpt from The New York Post -- "'New York City is one of the most amazing cities in the world. It makes sense to learn about the dynamics of operations management in the context of real businesses,' says Kristen Sosulski, clinical assistant professor of information, operations and management sciences, and director of the center for innovation in teaching and learning at NYU Stern."
Business and Policy Leader Events

Goldman Sachs’ Lloyd Blankfein Joins President John Sexton to Talk 21st Century Global Leadership

Global Leadership in 21st Century Event
Lloyd C. Blankfein, chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs, and John Sexton, president of New York University, sat down in February to discuss “Global Leadership in the 21st Century” before an audience of more than 400 students. Hosted by the NYU Leadership Initiative and the NYU Stern School of Business, the event drew undergraduate and graduate students from Schools across the University, including the College of Arts & Science, Graduate School of Arts & Science, Law School, Wagner School of Public Service and Stern.
Faculty News

Prof. Robert Engle on Greece's negotiations with the eurozone

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Greece has sort of a creative solution proposed. I'm not sure whether there will be enough support for this so it can be implemented. I think it's very important that some kind of solution be proposed. I think if Greece ends up defaulting, it will be potentially very dangerous for the eurozone as a whole and I think that eurozone participants see that as well and there will be negotiations and I don't know what they'll look like when it's all over."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Profs Roy Smith and Brad Hintz argue that Deutsche Bank should split its investment bank from its retail business

Financial News logo
Excerpt from Financial News -- "Most important, however, is the almost certain increase in shareholder value than would result from a break-up. The combination of the various individual business units might be valued on a stand-alone basis at as much as €55 billion. With today’s market value of €37 billion, reflecting investors’ grim view of the bank’s future, there is a lot of room for creating value through a restructuring. Spinning off the investment bank might be the best way to capture that value."
Faculty News

Prof. Nicholas Economides on Greece's potential exit from the EU

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "'Greece finds itself now closer to a new bankruptcy within the euro and potentially' leaving the currency union, Nicholas Economides, professor of economics at Stern Business School, New York University, said in an e-mail. 'Greece could run out of money in March.'"
School News

Prof. David Yermack discusses his course on Bitcoin

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "'We are staking out some academic territory and trying to get the university’s brand associated with a new body of knowledge,' says David Yermack, the finance professor at New York University’s Stern Business School, whose MBA course, created with law school colleague Geoff Miller, finished before Christmas. 'This is an entrepreneurial venture for us.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Priya Raghubir on Baskin-Robbins's "Endless Variety" commercials

Bon Appetit logo
Excerpt from Bon Appetit -- "'The first impression I got seeing it was that I could taste it in my mouth,' says Priya Raghubir, professor of marketing at New York University’s Stern School of Business. 'It pushed you to smell, taste, almost feel the ice cream, a sensual delight which people are reluctant to want to indulge in. This really appeals to all the hedonic senses, and there’s nothing to distract from the ice cream, and it doesn’t allow you to get bored or want to zap it. It’s excellent execution!'"